Taking a Vacation! (Finally!)

"Too much work, and no vacation,

Deserves at least a small libation.

So hail! my friends, and raise your glasses,

Work's the curse of the drinking classes." -Oscar Wilde

It may seem like it's been forever since I've taken a vacation, because it has been. So this coming Memorial Day Weekend, I'm going to make it count. (Although you can read my previous Memorial Day post here if you're starving.)

So what will I be doing? Well, here's a little taste, courtesy of the band Flogging Molly, whom I'll be listening to in just a few days,

Selfish Man.
Why's that? Where am I going to be?

At the 2011 Sasquatch Music Festival! So I most likely won't have a new post for you all until next Wednesday. What ever shall you do in the meantime?

Participate in a contest! 3 Quarks Daily is having their 3rd Annual Science Prize competition, and unlike most other contests, there's a cash prize for the top three articles! Although I would be thrilled if any of you nominated any of my articles for this contest, this is really a great time for you to think about the written science articles that have made the greatest impression on you the past year, and to let them shine.

How to do it? Well, read the contest rules, but here's a brief synopsis. Start by finding the one post you want to nominate, and -- before midnight (EDT) on May 31st:

  • Please nominate your favorite blog entry or e-zine piece by placing the URL for the blog post (the permalink) in the comments section of this post. You may also add a brief comment describing the entry and saying why you think it should win. (Do NOT nominate a whole blog, just one individual blog post.)
  • Blog posts or e-zine articles longer than 4,000 words are not eligible.
  • Each person can only nominate one blog post.
  • The blog entry may not be more than a year old. In other words, it must have been written after May 22, 2010.

There will be public voting until June 8th after that, and the winners will be announced on the Summer Solstice! So if you've got a favorite, or would like to make your voice heard, this is the time to do it. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying a little vacation, and I'll see you all back here next week!

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I just discovered Bright Eyes this year, now they're one of my favorite bands, be sure to check them out if you're not planning already.

I nominated yesterday's "Where Is Everybody?". I thought it was brilliant and I'm going to borrowing it for a class I'll be giving to 4th and 5th graders next fall when the "Are we alone? Are UFOs real?" questions come up.

Have a great vacation, Ethan!


By Sphere Coupler (not verified) on 26 May 2011 #permalink

For a minute there, I thought you might be going to Burning Man. In any event, it looks like you might find yourself out in the dark. Because I like the work you do here, I'll offer you the chance to grab a free flashlight app for your mobile device.

I developed it awhile back. The story of it's development is included in the link with the download. It's very science-y so I think you'll enjoy it.



Sasquatch! is awesome...have fun!

By IceclimbR (not verified) on 29 May 2011 #permalink

I think June 7th is overdoing it a bit. Time to come back and go to work, I'm afraid. Chop chop.

By Matthew Bright (not verified) on 01 Jun 2011 #permalink