Kleck's DGU numbers

Steve D. Fischer writes:

The NCVS is clearly the most lied-to study in the manifold of
studies we have available to date. Even your pal, Colin Loftin has
accused it of undercounting your "direct family" spousal abuses by
a factor of 12 and rapes by a clean factor of 33. I'd call that
lying of a pretty massive scale, wouldn't you?

The NCVS has been around for long enough for criminologists to be
aware of crimes that it undercounts. It is known to significantly
undercount non-stranger crimes, but no-one until now has suggested
that it massively undercounts stranger crimes like robbery and
burglary. Kleck's study suggests that well over half of all robberies
result in a defensive gun use. This seems unlikely.

Nor is it the case that Kleck is picking up DGUs against
non-strangers that the NCVS misses, since 75% of the uses he counted
were against strangers.

Here is the procedure that NCVS interviewers use, according to

"Interviewers identify themselves to R's (respondents) as federal
government employees, even displaying, in face-to-face contacts
an identification card with a badge. R's are told that the
interviews are being conducted on behalf of the U. S. Department
of Justice, the law enforcement branch of the federal government.
HOUSEHOLD THEY CONTACT. In short, it is made very clear that
R's are in effect speaking to a law enforcement arm of the
federal government, whose employees know exactly who they are,
where they live, and how they can be contacted."

You seem to have forgotten to mention a few things about the NCVS. It
is conducted by the Census Bureau (not law enforcement) for the Bureau
of Justice Statistics (not law enforcement either). Since
interviewers identify themselves respondents know that they are NOT
talking to law enforcement and the confidentiality of responses is
guaranteed by law. Participants in Kleck's survey have no such
guarantee and no way of knowing that they are not talking to law

I don't have to tell you what THAT means when R's live in an area
where gun ownership is illegal or highly proscribed. R's would be
admitting to a crime. Even though the interviewer suggests that nothing
they say can be used against them, how many people are likely to believe
that if their freedom is at stake?

64.2% of Kleck's respondent said that the police knew about the
incident. It is absurd to suggest that 97% of defensive gun users
would not tell the NCVS about the incident because they were afraid of
law enforcement finding out when in the majority of cases LAW

The R is not asked about self defense until AFTER he has been
asked about the LOCATION of a crime. Thus, if it was illegal for
the R to have had a gun in that location, the R would be admitting
to a crime. Since 88% of all crimes are committed away from the home,
and carrying a weapon is a serious crime in at least 10 states, most
out of home defenses would get the R thrown in jail if the cops had
caught the person at the time of the DGU.

Kleck's count of DGUs against burglary is also 30 times that of the
NCVS. Is having a gun in your home a crime in 97% of American homes?

[Note: The BATF is already computerizing records it's not supposed
to computerize. Are we really expected to believe that
at some time in the future, they won't be able to READ
NCVS file information? Most Americans would laugh at the
the suggestion that they wouldn't.

But apparently Americans have not considered the possibility that the
BATF might pretend to conduct a survey on defensive gun use....


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