So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish . . .

i-50a7560950c9f06f455f8eb42dd91ac9-ventkev.jpgOur time here with Seed is at an end. One chapter closed, another one is opened. Right now it is a time a great changes for me. As many readers know, I recently moved to North Carolina to take up a position a research technician at Duke's Marine Lab on the coast. Thankfully we did not get the full brunt of Hanna, just a bucket load of rain and 30 mph winds. Unfortunately, my U-Haul truck broke down on the interstate and I was stranded a day and half in Ashland, Virginia with truckloads of drunken racing fans. But I am here now in Cateret County getting settled in and enjoying being back in view of the ocean, where a deep-sea biologist belongs! I am very excited to get to know my new colleagues and surroundings.

Seed Media Group has been a wonderful organization to work with and I am sad to leave the excellent blogging community here. Bloggers and overlords alike have helped me personally in more ways than anyone else will know and have become good friends. Seed Magazine has taken up an exciting niche by publishing articles that make science and technology relevant to our lives. It has been a pleasure to be a part of Seed's mission and has made me appreciate the interconnectedness of people to science even more.

It with great excitement though that I follow Peter and Craig to the Discovery Channel, where we hope to broaden our audience and message further. Speaking for myself at least, it was television programs that got me interested in our natural world. In our little midwestern home as a kid, we were "that" family which never had cable TV. But I waited anxiously for Wild America on Sunday nights, as well as Scientific American Frontiers and Nova on PBS.

Media such as Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Discover Magazine, Scientific American, Seed and even NPR have a special place in my own heart. Religiously subscribing to, reading and watching programs from these outlets were my initial forays into the scientific world. While you may disagree with some of the presentation style and content, the world is much better off for their efforts to energize and educate a general audience.

So please, with no further adieu please bookmark our new homepage, subscribe to the new RSS feed, come over to the new house and comment often! See you there!

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That just kills me. You broke down right near our house! Drunken racing fans? Welcome to my nightmare.

Congrats on the Duke thing and the Discovery Channel deal!

I would have loved to have some company Louise! My computer was with my wife in the car. I sent her with the kids ahead to a friend's house in Greenville, NC. I sat in the hotel room and watched horrible TV all night long. Thankfully, PBS saved me late at night and there was a great show on Pete Seeger, the folk musician.

Well, at least you were spared having my crazed child asking you 50,000 questions about ocean invertebrates!

I'm a big Pete Seeger fan. One of the best concerts I've ever seen was Pete Seeger with Arlo Guthrie. That was in like...1982?

Yay folkies! He always makes me smile and sing. Never seen him live though :(

I don't mind answering 50000 questions about ocean invertebrates, really ask anyone lol.

Well, your new blog has been added to my rss reader and to my blogroll; but I really want to thank you Kevin for introducing me to Craig's and Peter's blogging.

Now, I wonder if they will keep DSN up and running long enough here to record the Millionth comment.

"Thanks for all the Fish"!!!!.....You're not an invertebrate're a..a...CLOSET ICHTHYOLOGIST!!!! Busted :-)

We are sad and happy to hear the news. We are all hoping the transfer will go well. So far we've been very pleased with Discovery's products and how it will go well. Thanks for all the great posts and information you've shared.