
Oh, wait I know...
You've all been hired by the Discovery Institute!!

That's what Kevin meant by the dark side?

You've studied all there is to study in earth's ocean, and now you're off to study the oceans of space?

I hate to break it to you guys, but the sea of tranquillity is just a name.

Did you get your Discovery Channel spot?!

By Helenmary (not verified) on 26 Aug 2008 #permalink

Well, rockets shooting towards space is one thing. If we get fireworks exploding and trains going into tunnels as well I might have to rethink my subscription!

Just saying.

A slow day in the deep, eh? You've gone the way of the big news networks - when there's no news spin any old crap...

What's the bet this has all the zing of 'New Coke'...

Wait, maybe this is a cry for help...
The gang are stuck, Narced, and only have the small reefpad computer which they tied into the underwater accoustic modem and but can only manage quick one line postings. This is their final plea before they risk it all by rocketing back to the surface....
Wait were coming... grow gills!