Not everything Tim Tebow Does on One Knee is Controversial

Photo source, Stephanie Taylor.

Denver Broncos Quarterback Tim Tebow, as discussed in my last post has captured America's attention because of spectacular athletic skills and his - some say - shameless display of his religious faith.

Such a public display of piety has brought out mean-spirited commentary from my fellow bloggers, referring to Tim Tebow as "impotent," "obnoxious," a "militant evangelical Christian" (quotes below.) Really?

From "There is No God:"

This is what happens when you vaingloriously give your deity responsibility for carrying a stupid little football game: his impotence might be exposed.


Tebow is an obnoxious hyper-religious football player.

Dispatches from the culture wars:

Tebow is one of those hyper-Christians who has to throw religion into everything he says and does and make a very public and ostentatious display of piety (something Jesus spoke out against, incidentally).

Effect Measure:

He is also an in-your-face militant evangelical Christian.

You can disagree with his beliefs or you could use his public displays to support your own agenda, but it's missing the very important point that he is giving back to his community in a meaningful way. I pointed out some examples in my last post, and below is another.

Take 9-year-old Zac Taylor, a child who lives in constant pain. Immediately after Tebow shocked the Chicago Bears with a 13-10 comeback win, Tebow spent an hour with Zac and his family. At one point, Zac, who has 10 doctors, asked Tebow whether he has a secret prayer for hospital visits. Tebow whispered it in his ear. And because Tebow still needed to be checked out by the Broncos' team doctor, he took Zac in with him, but only after they had whispered it together.

And it's not always kids. Tom Driscoll, a 55-year-old who is dying of brain cancer at a hospice in Denver, was Tebow's guest for the Cincinnati game. "The doctors took some of my brain," Driscoll says, "so my short-term memory is kind of shot. But that day I'll never forget. Tim is such a good man."

This whole thing makes no football sense, of course. Most NFL players hardly talk to teammates before a game, much less visit with the sick and dying.

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This whole thing makes no football sense, of course. Most NFL players hardly talk to teammates before a game, much less visit with the sick and dying.

Citation needed. I've read far too many articles about players and their charity work to accept this on faith.