I'm speaking at the ScienceOnline09 Conference in Durham, NC, today so I have little time to post, but I wanted to throw up this fun thing from the Boston Globe to keep everyone occupied while I'm away:
"DO YOU EVER want to change the way you see the world? Wouldn't it be fun to hallucinate on
your lunch break? Although we typically associate such phenomena with powerful drugs
like LSD or mescaline, it's easy to fling open the doors of perception without them: All it
takes is a basic understanding of how the mind works."
Try for yourself here. I particularly like the rubber hand trick. [Update: fascinating and detailed post about this research over on Neurophilosophy, here]
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Figured this one out for myself during my misspent youth many, many years ago. You can skip the ping pong balls if the light source is bright enough; just keep your eyes closed and the lids serve as diffusers. The ability to regulate the frequency is important. Substitute Hendrix for white noise and throw a thimble full of lizard shit in the bong and you're good to go.
What about this one: eyes wide open!
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