Culture Dish on the Road

Yesterday was the first day I was able to post since the ScienceBlogs upgrade because of glitches in the system.  Now I'm headed off to Durham, NC, until Sunday.  More below the jump:

I'll be visiting a Duke science journalism class and speaking about my book at a Women in Science and Engineering event on Friday.  Then Saturday I'll be at the ScienceOnline09 conference talking about

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and breaking into print publication.  I'll post from the road if there
are any breaking developments related to the assistance creature story I wrote for the New York Times Magazine, which I've been doing regular follow ups on here
But otherwise, I'll start with what will be ongoing occasional posts
from the Culture Dish archives (which it turns out can't be imported
here because of incompatibilities between this system and Blogger). 
You'll know then when you see them because this "Oldies But Goodies"
icon will appear somewhere in the post.  Happy reading.

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