Coturnix href="">picked up on an href="">interesting study, which shows that "Simply asking college students who are inclined to take drugs about their illegal-drug use in a survey may increase the behavior."  It is a finding that makes researchers nervous, presumably because they do not want to encourage such behavior. It turns out that the effect was only seen in those persons who already were inclined to use drugs.  It seems doubtful that participating in the survey…
I haven't done much frank political blogging since moving to ScienceBlogs.  But this is just too provocative to pass up. href=",,1826479,00.html"> href=",,1826479,00.html">Afghanistan close to anarchy, warns general · Nato commander's view in stark contrast to ministers' · Forces short of equipment and 'running out of time' Richard Norton-Taylor Saturday July 22, 2006 The Guardian The most senior British military commander in Afghanistan yesterday described the situation in…
href=""> Hostess Twinkies Sushi Japanese animation, Hello Kitty, samurais, ninjas, and Sushi are really popular right now! Here"s a wild recipe that"s super easy to make and super fun to eat as a light and fruity snack! href="">This recipe transforms the much loved Twinkie into a hip and tropical flavored treat. HT: Catty Girls Discuss blog
This is from a study published in the latest NEJM: The "Gender Gap" in Authorship of Academic Medical Literature — A 35-Year Perspective [ href="">abstract/ rev="review" href="">full text/ href="">editorial (subscription required for full text and editorial)]. First, the good news: During the past four decades, the participation of women in medicine has increased dramatically. Women now represent 49 percent of all medical…
This is cool. This is not. Reading the Undercover Activist Blog, published by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), I learned of the development of a new type of solitude assault vehicle: the href="" rel="tag">Quadski, by Gibbs Technologies. Searching Google Image for "quadski" returns two types of results.  The top image is from the href="">Canadian Association for Disabled Skiing.  It shows a person using adaptive aids in order to ski.  That is cool.  I'm…
A lot of people are writing about this, and I do not really have anything new to contribute.  But I will say it anyway.  Researchers whom I trust, people of fine moral character, think the restriction on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research is bad.  Despite opinions from a majority of scientists, President Bush href="">vetoed legislation that would have allowed federal support for the research. A supporter, Sen. Jim Talent (R-Mo.),…
Ok, the ScienceBlogs new skin is up.  It looks nice.  I was afraid that would happen.  Now my banner looks out of place.  I will need to design a new one that uses #f5ffe6 and/or #ebffcd.  Maybe something with #ebffcd, #ccffe0, #e0ccff, and #ffcceb.  Life is nutty sometimes.
This is a follow-up to href="">the post from a couple of days ago.  It might not make a lot of sense unless you have read that post, or are otherwise familiar with the issues regarding genetically-modified crops. In general, there are valid concerns about genetically-modified crops.  However, it is important to think clearly about the issues involved.  Concerns about the technology that arise from a generalization,  may or may not apply to a specific implementation of the technology.  In order to understand…
Some unexpected demands have impeded my progress on the "transgenic drug" series.  I've written part of what I planned to post today.  But I want to work on it some more.   In the meantime, here is a picture of noctilucent clouds, from href="">NASA's APOD site.  We are all relieved that the space shuttle Discovery has landed safely.  It turns out that the space shuttle may be one reason that these unusual cloud formations occur. As explained by NASA: Noctilucent Clouds Over Sweden Credit: href="mailto:%20clearskies%20at%…
There is controversy in Peru, of all places, about the experimental use of a treatment for diarrhea in children.  Diarrhea is a major cause of mortality in underdeveloped nations, especially in children.  From the Wikipedia page on href="" rel="tag">infant mortality: Major causes of infant mortality in more developed countries include congenital malformation, infection, and SIDS. The most common cause of infant mortality of all children around the world has traditionally been dehydration from diarrhea. Because of the success of spreading…
The UM Center for Organogenesis will have a booth at the href="">Art Fairs in Ann Arbor, featuring their Bio-Artography. They'll be at booth 155, on East University St. href=""> src="" border="0" height="120" width="94"> href=""> src="" border="0" height="120" width="101"> alt="" src="…
The Wellcome Trust Biomedical Image Awards for 2006 have been announced.  The winners can be seen href="">here. This photograph shows nerve cells growing along synthetic silk fibers.  The tiny blue dots are href="">Schwann cells.  Schwann cells are a type of glial cell that form myelin sheaths. The hope is that these fibers might enable us to guide the growth of nerve cells, in order to repair damage.  The technology is described in href=""…
A friend and colleague of mine drives around in a cute little VW bug powered by biodiesel.  There's a peace sign on the front of it, which helps it get better mileage.  But peace sign or not, there has been an ongoing controversy about whether biofuels are worth anything. In this post, I provide a little amateur analysis of the whole topic of biofuels, and comment on the most recent study of the potential benefits. The controversy stems from the fact that it takes a lot of energy to plant, transport, harvest, and process the crops needed to produce biofuels.  Some analyses indicated that…
This subject is not really news anymore, but I am writing about it to call attention to a review article, href="">VNS Therapy in Treatment-Resistant Depression: Clinical Evidence and Putative Neurobiological Mechanisms.  In this post, I provide a little overview of VNS therapy, comment on some other sources of information, and say a little bit about where I would like the research to go next. VNS Therapy in Treatment-Resistant Depression: Clinical Evidence and Putative Neurobiological Mechanisms Charles B Nemeroff*,1,2,…
Even though electronic music is all the rage these days, people are still figuring out new ways to make music without digital intervention. Samuel Gaudet and Claude Gauthier, mathematicians at the University of Moncton in New Brunswick, have developed the href="">tritare.  This is like a guitar, but the strings branch in a Y-shape.  This results in the production of nonharmonic overtones, something typically heard only from percussion instruments. Meanwhile, at NYU, violinist rel="tag">Mari Kimura has figured out how to produce…
Medical interventions alway carry risks.  So do other types of interventions, such as those carried out in the name of national security.  Just as physicians must not let their enthusiasm for healing carry them into the realm of medical misadventure, we, as a country, must exercise prudence and restraint in the application of force.  We must be cautious about allowing our collective might to be used in ways that defy that prudence and restraint. Let us not forget, that in the interest of promoting national security, we need to protect ourselves not only from external threats, but also from…
I wonder how long it will be, before Blue Cross starts requiring people to fly to the other side of the planet for liver transplants. href="">Indian medical care goes global By Jagpreet Luthra in Delhi Sunday 18 June 2006, 21:22 Makka Time, 18:22 GMT  With hospitals in India's cities boasting first world medical care at third world prices, the country is poised for a major share in the multibillion dollar global healthcare market. Until recently, holistic and Ayurvedic cures that combine herbal…
Foreign Policy magazine has an article ( href="">The Terrorism Index) about the Global and Perpetual War on Terrorism.  It is a compilation and analysis of the results of a survey of 117 experts on foregin policy and terrorism.  The main finding is that 86% of the experts agree that we are losing the war on terrorism.   It is remarkable that there is such strong agreement among experts on this topic.  Given the strength of their findings, and the popularity of the topic, you might think that the article would gain…
href=""> The href="" title="Toda people">Toda people are a small pastoral tribe of less than 1,000 people who reside in the href="" title="The Nilgiris">Nilgiri hills of Southern href="" title="India">India. Shown here is a typical Toda hut, about 3 m (10 ft.) high, 5.5 m (18 ft.) long and 2.7 m (9 ft.) wide. They are built of bamboo fastened with rattan and thatched. The hut has only a tiny (about 0.9 x 0.9 m…
There are a two poems written by veterans, on the site for Yes! magazine. The magazine is a written by progressives, with the intention of trying to keep their messages positive. When it comes to war, it is hard to put it in a positive light. But if you consider that the men who wrote those poems were traumatized, the fact that they were able to write such poems, and get them published, is at least somewhat positive.