Two New Issues Of Fornvännen On-line

Fornvännen's web site has become subsumed into the general document repository of the National Heritage Board. I am not happy about this. But still, we can now offer two new issues on-line for free! So much good research here!

Autumn 2012 (no 3):

Christmas 2012 (no 4):

  • Anders Högberg et al. on new methods to identify the sources of South Scandinavian flint.
  • Peter d'Agnan on Medieval fishing camps and rural harbours on Gotland.
  • Sven Kalmring on his huge GIS database of excavations performed at Birka.
  • Andreas Toreld on uniquely martial Bronze Age rock art recently found in a single Bohuslän stream valley.
  • Olof Sundquist on certain not very well informed recent attempts by archaeologists to identify sejdhjällar, shaman ritual platforms, in the archaeological record.
  • Magdalena Forsgren on Leif Karlenby's book about Bronze Age ritual sites in Uppland.
  • Robin Gullbrandsson on new finds of wooden church parts in a later stone church in Småland.

Now let's see some questions and comments on this work! I can probably get the authors to chime in here.

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Since we have flint all over Scania and I, as an amateur, have wondered about the sources of all this flint Anders Högbergs map of Scandinavian flint resorts have sorted this out.

By Thomas Ivarsson (not verified) on 18 Oct 2013 #permalink

Thank you Martin I've never heard of sejdhjällar before, reminds me a bit of the Delphic oracle who sat on some kind of tripod when speaking.

Swords have previously almost never been seen in the hands of people on rock art panels. Typically they will wave an axe about without hitting anyone and carry their sword in its scabbard.

Re . Liedgren and Ramqvist; it is a pity that we know relatively little about a region (the northern Bothnic sea/Bothnic bay) where three peoples -the saami, the proto-norse and the proto-finns- must have had regular contacts.

To some extent the lack of findings may reflect the low population density -even for the agriculturalists, this was a marginal region.
Below, a story about a rich find from another poorly documented region. "Fabulous figurines reveal secrets of ancient Africa"…

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 26 Oct 2013 #permalink

My bad. I only skimmed the article, now I understand the significance.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 28 Oct 2013 #permalink