Best of April

I posted 153 times in April.

First, importantly, I again committed scienceblogging in April, with the post Evolutionary Medicine: Does reindeer have a circadian stop-watch instead of a clock?.

April focus appears to be Twitter - hence two posts specifically about it: Twittering is a difficult art form - if you are doing it right and More on mindcasting vs. lifecasting.

Early in April, I introduced the Open Laboratory 2010 editor and made available the 'submit to Open Laboratory 2010' buttons.

A science journalist curmudgeoned herself, so I felt compelled to collect all the responses, in For the millionth time: bloggers vs. journalists is over!

I went to Duke to see the student rendition of RENT and wrote a long review of it afterwards.

We went to New York City, mainly to attend the #140conference, which I subequently blogged about, and also posted a lot of videos from the talks and sessions I liked the best.

Then, in the last week of the month, the biggie of all the Web conferences happened - the WWW2010 conference, right here in Raleigh NC. More about it shortly.

The more-and-more amazing interviews with ScienceOnline2010 participants are coming in - check out Christie Wilcox, Maria-Jose Vinas, Sabine Vollmer, Beth Beck, Ernie Hood, Carmen Drahl, Joanne Manaster, Elia Ben-Ari, Leah D. Gordon, Kerstin Hoppenhaus and Hilary Maybaum.

This is worth highlighting again: Scientists, engineers, experts - your Government needs you!

Work-related, I announced the PLoS ONE Blog Pick of the Month for March 2010, announced two new PLoS Collections and some more various PLoS news.

This blog got reviewed and so did the Open Laboratory 2009.

I collected in one place all of the Best posts on Media, (Science) Journalism and Blogging at 'A Blog Around The Clock'. I also collected a bunch of interesting links, mostly about journalism, and then posted some more a couple of weeks later. And another linkfest - Stuff I showed on my panel at AAAS.

I did some PR for Aidel's Vice store - Never go anywhere unprepared and Environmentally friendly chico bags - the proud sponsor of The 2010 Post with the Most blogging contest.

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