Best posts on Media, (Science) Journalism and Blogging at A Blog Around The Clock

Reposted, as I needed to add several of the most recent posts to the list - see under the fold:

As this blog is getting close to having 10,000 posts, and my Archives/Categories are getting unweildy (and pretty useless), I need to get some of the collections of useful posts together, mainly to make it easier for myself to find them. I did that by collecting my best Biology posts a couple of weeks ago. Today, I am collecting my best posts from the categories of Media, Science Reporting, Framing Science and Blogging. There are thousands of posts in these categories combined, most with excellent links or videos, but here are some of the posts that have substantial proportion of my own thinking in them.

It is also interesting to note - if you pay attention to the dates when the posts were published, going back to 2004 - how my thinking and attitude changed over the years, as well as how the world of media, blogs and science communication changed at the same time, forcing me to evolve with it:

Defining the Journalism vs. Blogging Debate, with a Science Reporting angle
What is Journalism?
What does it mean that a nation is 'Unscientific'?
The continuum of expertise
'Going Direct' - the Netizens in former Yugoslavia
Am I A Science Journalist?
No, blogs are not dead, they are on summer vacation
What is 'Investigative Science Journalism'?
New science journalism ecosystem: new inter-species interactions, new niches
The Ethics of The Quote
'Journalists vs. Blogs' is bad framing
New Journalistic Workflow
Why good science journalists are rare?
Why is 'scientists are bad communicators' trope wrong
Push vs. Pull strategies in science communication
What is journalism and do PIOs do it? And what's with advertising?
Why it is important for media articles to link to scientific papers
Why is some coverage of scientific news in the media very poor?
Using Twitter to learn economy of words - try to summarize your research paper in 140 characters or less!
North Carolina science journalism/blogging projects getting noticed
AAAS 2010 meeting - the Press Room....why?
Twittering is a difficult art form - if you are doing it right
More on mindcasting vs. lifecasting
Hints on how (science) journalism may be working these days....
Journalism wrap-up from ScienceOnline2010
Making it real: People and Books and Web and Science at ScienceOnline2010
Public vs. Publicized: Future of the Web at WWW2010
Open Laboratory - old Prefaces and Introductions
Explaining Research with Dennis Meredith
Talkin' Trash
Scientists are Excellent Communicators ('Sizzle' follow-up)
ScienceOnline'09 - Saturday 4:30pm and beyond: the Question of Power
The Shock Value of Science Blogs
Caryn Shechtman: A Blogger Success Story (an interview with Yours Truly)
Behold the Birth of the Giga-Borg
'Bloggers' vs 'Audience' is over? or, Will the word 'blogger' disappear?
I don't care about business models of journalism/publishing.
The Perils of Predictions: Future of Physical Media
Graham Lawton Was Wrong
Science by press release - you are doing it wrong
Incendiary weekend post on bloggers vs. journalists
Who has power?
D.C. press corps dissed again - but this time for good reasons
Bloggers vs. Journalists Redux, part N
Are we Press? Part Deux
Science vs. Britney Spears
Bloggers vs. Journalists morphs into Twitterers vs. Journalists
Elites? That's somehow bad?
Will there be new communication channels in the Obama administration?
Smoke Signals, Blogs, and the Future of Politics
I inform people against their will!
To Educate vs. To Inform
Fair Use and Open Science
Talking To The Public
More than just Resistance to Science
One-Stop Shopping for the Framing Science Debate
Framing Science - the Dialogue of the Deaf
Framing 'framing'
Did I frame that wrong?
Framing and Truth
Just a quick update on 'framing science'
Joshua Bell and Framing Science
Framers are NOT appeasers!
Framing Politics (based on science, of course)
Everybody Must Get Framed
How to read a scientific paper
Blog Carnivals - what is in it for you?
Science Blogging - what it can be
Michael Skube: just another guy with a blog and an Exhibit A for why bloggers are mad at Corporate Media
Blog is software
What is a Science Blog?
False Journalistic Balance
The Inter-Ghost Connection
ConvergeSouth: creepies, domestic tranquility and amplification of serendipity
Proper Procedure For Shutting Down A Blog

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