ScienceOnline2010 - introducing the participants


Now that registration for ScienceOnline2010 is open I intend to, like I did in the past years, introduce the participants to my blog readers in a series of blog posts.

Of course, you can check out the entire list for yourself (already at 201 people!) but I will try to provide a little more information about everyone so, if you are attending, you may be on a special lookout for someone you really want to talk to or, if you are not attending, to see what you're missing so you can tune in virtually next January and make a firm promise to yourself that you will try to make it in person next time.

Of course, you can get even more of a flavor if you read the interviews with past participants - many of whom will be coming back in 2010 - here they are from the 2008 meeting and the ScienceOnline09.

I thought I'd start the series in a logical way - getting the four of us organizers out of the way first. So here we go....

Anton Zuiker is a veteran blogger (see how many years back you can go in his archives!) particularly interested in medical blogging, foodblogging and storyblogging. But even more, he is interested in building a community - using online tools to get people together in real life. Thus, he organized a series of monthly blogger meetups over the years, the annual Blogger BBQ at his home, a Long Table series of events (just started last month), several blogging conferences and found, a community of North Carolina bloggers and online communicators that is the official organizer of the ScienceOnline conferences.

Anton is one of the first graduates of the Medical and Science Journalism Program at UNC and is currently the Manager of Internal Communications at the Duke University Health System. If that is not enough for you - the list gets longer on his About page....and of course, you can follow him on Twitter.

Stephanie Willen Brown is the director of the Park Library, the library of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at UNC.

Stephanie's blog is CogSci Librarian and you can also follow her on Twitter. At ScienceOnline2010, Stephanie will co-moderate the session "Scientists! What can your librarian do for you?"

David Kroll is the Professor and Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences at North Carolina Central University, but if you are a regular reader of science blogs, you probably know him better as Abel PharmBoy of the Terra Sigilatta blog and the eponymous Twitter handle.

At ScienceOnline2010, David will co-moderate the session "Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Session: Engaging underrepresented groups in online science media."

Oh, and you know me (and if you are here for the first time - welcome and look around - you can learn more about me on my About page and find me in various online places all linked here).


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I'm honored to be part of this esteemed group. You were my very first "big name" science blogger to link to me back in the lean days (when my then-new blog title got a ton of unexplained hits from England until I realized it was a clue in a UK Guardian crossword puzzle). I am grateful to all of you for your support and camaraderie.

By the way, the N&O link is no longer live but I love this description of Anton by Dan Barkin that I archived:

The Web has evolved into a tribal Internet of passionate bloggers like Zuiker, and he has become a sort-of local brand. He's a quiet visionary. He's a low-key doer. He's a let's-get-together-and-see-where-this-goes guy. It's the Zuikers of this new, interwoven world who may play a significant role in determining how far Web 2.0 goes from being a sociable network to a social force.

I just call you the guy through whose brain all internet traffic must pass before going on to the rest of the world.

Also delighted to work with Stephanie!