ScienceOnline'09 - introducing the participants 9


Let's highlight the rest of the participants of this year's ScienceOnline09 conference:

Theresa Van Acker is a science teacher at the Morehead Montessori Elementary School in Durham.

Dani Vasco is a student at the Riverside High School and was a part of Duke's Summer research program which includes obligatory student blogging - Dani's blog is here.

Robyn Walker is the Communications Assistant at the Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment.

Robin Walls and Nathan Walls are software developers for McClatchy Interactive.

Adnaan Wasey is the Web Editor for The Takeaway at WNYC Radio and the Web Advisor for the Friendship News Network.

Brian Westwood is a Lab Technician at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and blogs on Janus guards the fence /|\ so, what are you doing?

Zakiya Whatley is a student in the Program in Genetics and Genomics at Duke.

Christina Whittle is a graduate student in the Department of Biology at UNC.

John Wilbanks is the Vice President of Science Commons and my Scibling on Common Knowledge. He will lead the session Semantic web in science: how to build it, how to use it.

Antony Williams is the Director of Chemzoo Inc, which runs Chemspider and the Chemspider blog. He will demonstrate Chemspider at the conference.

Jennifer Williams writes for The OpenHelix Blog.

Carol Winkelman is a freelance grant coach for NIH and NCI.

Kristen Wolfe is the Science Education Resource Center Assistant at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham and a blogger for the Museum's Science Education blog.

Vanessa Woods is a bonobo researcher and a writer and she blogs on Bonobo Handshake. She will be on the panel Blogging adventure: how to post from strange locations.

Mark Yan is a scientist and educator in Raleigh.

Jeff Yeo is a graduate student in the Medical & Science Journalism Program at UNC.

Carmen Yeung is a student at the Duke Marine Laboratory and she blogs on Real Oceans.

Elsa Youngsteadt is an entomologist and a science writer. She just started her new job as a Programs Manager at Sigma Xi, where the conference is hosted.

Kevin Zelnio is at the Marine Conservation Molecular Facility at Duke Marine Lab and a blogger on Deep Sea News and The Other 95%. He will co-moderate the session on Nature blogging and will be on the panel on Blogging adventure: how to post from strange locations.

Tracy Zimmerman is the Public Relations Director at the FPG Child Development Institute at UNC.

Stephanie Zvan is a Science Fiction writer and a blogger on Almost Diamonds. She will co-lead the session on Science Fiction on Science Blogs?

Oh, and while we are in the Z's....both Anton Zuiker and myself belong here, at the end of the list. We are the guys who organized all this.... Anton is a long-time blogger, the founder of, and manager of Internal Communications at Duke Medicine, which involved designing and running the Web-based Inside Duke Medicine as well as re-designing their print newsletter.

If, during these last few days, we manage to squeeze in a few people from the waitlist (which now has more than 60 names on it!) I will let you all know with another post like this, listing them all.


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