Wall Street Journal on Open Access

Information Liberation By DANIEL AKST:

If your child has a life-threatening disease and you're desperate to read the latest research, you'll be dismayed to learn that you can't -- at least not without hugely expensive subscriptions to a bevy of specialized journals or access to a major research library. Your dismay might turn to anger when you realize that you paid for this research.

Read the whole thing....

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"Alas, the new NIH policy will allow a 12-month lag between publication and posting on PubMed."

preposterous. how hard is it to cut and paste and upload? i guess i'm asking the wrong question.

hats off to PLoS! keep up the great work!



Yes, the 12 month delay is not ideal. However, even delayed access is better than no access at all !!

Here in the UK, it's a 6 month delay (maximum) and bar 1, all of the main funders of scientific/technical/medical MANDATE that the research must be made Open Access (OA).

In the UK, it is important to note that such research must be made OA NO LATER than 6 months.

The advantage of OA Journals such as PLoS is that all Papers are OA as soon as they are published. No messing around by these folks.