The Blogging Blog Meme

TNG of Neural Gourmet tagged me with this meme, so how can I resist....

Why do you blog?

It's an addiction. It's therapy. It seems a waste if I think about something and don't write it down and let others see it and comment on it. And all of that would count even if I had no audience at all, but I do, and that has opened a whole new world of online friendship and community which keeps me going every day.

How long have you been blogging?

I started on Edwards campaign blog in September 2003, then started commenting on other people's blogs a couple of months later. Finally, I started my own in August 2004 (Science And Politics), followed by two more blogs I started in 2005 and finally fusing the three into my current blog here on Seed.

Self Portrait?

This one?

Why do readers read your blog?

I should ask my readers that! I have no idea. I guess some people come for science, some for politics, some for links, some for personal stuff, and some for a friendly blogging environment. But readers should say if that is correct or not.

What was the last search phrase someone used to get to your site?

Search for "descriptions of a square" brought someone to this post (sorry, I guess that's not what you were looking for) and "meridian clock five element theory time of day 3am 5am lungs" brought someone to this post (sorry, that's not what you wanted to hear, but I hope you learned something anyway).

Which of your entries unjustly gets too little attention?

Every one longer than 2000 words....

Your current favorite blog?

I'll use this opportunity to point everyone to a blog that is local to me that I got to really like since I discovered it recently, the Back To The Woom blog.

What blog did you read most recently?

Open reading Frame

Which feeds do you subscribe to?

I have about 700 blogs on my Bloglines, but it takes me months to go through all of them. I start with the Last-24-Hours page here on scienceblogs to see what my SciBling are up to, then check daily several other blogs (I go through phases - right now I check daily: Shakespeare's Sister, Pandagon, Echidne of the Snakes, Majikthise, Pam's House Blend, Archy, Orcinus, Ed Cone, Lance Mannion and Legal Fiction) and I also regularly check what my neighbors are doing on

What four blogs are you tagging with this meme and why?

All four are my SciBlings, but since they are not Pharyngula, you may have missed them on your daily rounds here and I don't want you to miss them in the future:

Chaotic Utopia
Terra Sigillata
Thus Spake Zuska
Corpus Callosum


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