Periodic Table of the ScienceBlogs, Part 1.

It's not easy keeping track of all the ScienceBlogs. Take four dozen witty and prolific science writers, some of whom post more than once a day, spread them out across a wide range of disciplines and sub-specialties, and what you'll have yourself is a big, tangly embarrassment of riches.

What's a newcomer to do? In the interest of cleaving order from madness, I'm putting together a complete Blog Index. Over the following days, I'll be posting a short description of every blog, a handful at a time. But I'll start by giving you this complete listing of blogs by category. Though bloggers regularly write about the things that tickle their fancy, whether those things fall into their specialty or not, most blogs tend to return to the same subject areas again and again. Ergo, the following list of the nine content-specific Sb categories, with the blogs that fall into each one. (Each blog has been listed in up to two main categories.)

Bon browsing!

1. Physical Science

(Mathematics, physics, astronomy, inorganic chemistry.)

Dynamics of Cats
Good Math, Bad Math
Molecule of the Day
Uncertain Principles

2. Biology

(Micro-, macro-, and everything in between. Includes anthropology, archaeology, and the study of evolution.)

A Blog Around the Clock
The Daily Transcript
Dr. Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge
Evolving Thoughts
Gene Expression
The Island of Doubt
Living the Scientific Life
The Loom
Mike the Mad Biologist
Stranger Fruit
The Questionable Authority
Thoughts From Kansas

3. Planet Earth

(Geology, paleontology, meteorology, climate science, the environment.)

Chaotic Utopia

4. Medicine

(Doctors, patients, diseases, treatments.)

The Cheerful Oncologist
The Corpus Callosum
Effect Measure
The Examining Room of Dr. Charles
The Loom
Pure Pedantry
Respectful Insolence
Smooth Pebbles
Terra Sigillata

5. Brain & Behavior

(From cognitive and behavioral psychology, to the single-cell intricacies of neuroscience.)

A Blog Around the Clock
Cognitive Daily
The Corpus Callosum
The Frontal Cortex
Mixing Memory
Pure Pedantry
Smooth Pebbles

6. Academia

(Science education, academic culture, lab life, and life on the tenure track.)

Adventures in Ethics and Science
Dynamics of Cats
Living the Scientific Life
Terra Sigillata
Thus Spake Zuska
Uncertain Principles
The World's Fair

7. Philosophy of Science

(History of science, scientific ethics. Meta-commentary about the nature of science itself.)

Adventures in Ethics and Science
Chaotic Utopia
Evolving Thoughts
Framing Science
Gene Expression
Respectful Insolence
The Scientific Indian
Stranger Fruit
Thus Spake Zuska
The World's Fair

8. Culture Wars

(Evolutionism vs. creationism, faith vs. science, and political commentary of a rant-y nature.)

Dispatches from the Culture Wars
Dr. Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge
Good Math, Bad Math
The Intersection
The Island of Doubt
Mike the Mad Biologist
The Scientific Activist
Thoughts From Kansas

9. Policy & Politics

(Politics and policy-related science news, less rant-y than 'Culture Wars.')

Dispatches from the Culture Wars
Effect Measure
Framing Science
The Intersection
The Questionable Authority
The Scientific Activist


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