Destiny's Child: Me, in a suit, on television... The Daily Show, in Dec 2002, back when they used to do real fake news instead of serious commentary and analysis The camera does add about ten million solar masses... I lost my copy of the press video (this is taken from a rather fun NASA Space Science Update conference). Was amused and gratified to see it appear in tDS archives. Maybe the first time most of my family has seen me in a suit since my cousin's wedding... I have vague memories they showed another clip of me laughing, intercut with Gunther looking embarrassed, need to browse some…
seasonal pretty pictures NGC 1999 The two below are artist concepts, worth clicking through. Pumpkin Nebula Lost Souls Nebula
article claims the new US Army "Counterinsurgency Manual" is substantially plagiarised There is an interesting article by David Price in "Counterpunch" which suggests that large sections of the new US Army Counterinsurgency Field Manual (FM 3-24), co-authored by Gen. Petraeus, is substantially plagiarised - that is it copies or paraphrases substantial sections of text from other published work without attribution or cite. They quote multiple examples ranging from Lawrence of Arabia to an MIT on-line sociology course. Some of the stuff is blatant, some might be considered less plagiarism and…
li'l news items of note: a local paper is reporting two east coast carrier wings are exercising night time landings for imminent deployments - that'd have to be the USS Truman and the USS Washington? or possibly USS Eisenhower?? I don't know where two of them would be going. One yes, the other should stay in reserve. And, why the emphasis on night time operations? The Enterprise is in the Gulf and the Kitty Hawk is off Japan on fall deployment, but that still doesn't add up. Enterprise is not due to be replaced till the new year. I suppose they could be sending a second east coast carrier…
seasonal snippets for our seniors your calendar shows more hours in committee than class this week the papers need to be graded before the next assignment is due oh, we charged a different overhead on that grant, a higher one 4070 unread e-mails ...including yours not including the 1600 from mailing lists that are automatically filtered to archive 146 of them have .doc attachments at the current rate it will take 37 weeks to catch up on arXiv again, but at least the time is now finite and positive yes, we are more than halfway through the semester "I just need your signature on…
for just the third time this season I caught the end of a Penn State football team on television, and they lost, again it is almost as if I were jinxing them good thing we don't believe in jinxes one of the eternal complaints of the fans is that Penn State play calling is not imaginative enough - they should try the "Trinity Lateral" Note the score just before the end on the bottom scroll bar. Think JoePa will go for it?
The flap over Rowling's revelation about the Dumbledore backstory has really revitalised literary criticism and, in particular, deconstruction. I mean, after all, what does the author bring to the discussion? It is not like Rowling has some special role of privileged position in our interpretation of the novel, her thoughts on the text are just one of the many equal analytic modes of interpretation, and we may reject that her view is dominant or privileged. No! If white middle aged male,s uncomfortable with their sexuality or youthful indiscretions, want to interpret the text to emphasise…
It is a rainy, autumnal friday, and many things are in mind. So, oh Mighty iPod One. What lies in store for us in the next year? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: Slippery People - Talking Heads The Crossing: Something About Alligators - Twin Sisters The Crown: Christmas in Heaven - Monty Python The Root: Which Side Are You On? - Billy Bragg The Past: Restless Legs - Half Man Half Biscuit The Future: Scenes From Childhood: Entreating Child The Questioner: Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen - Mozart The House: Paradise Lost (You're The Reason Why)- Half Man Half Biscuit The Inside:…
LOLcat Bible: official translation wiki Say no more. h/t kos a start From Not A BlogTM With CafePress T-shirts an'all.
From Chad, statements typed into Google which return this blog as the top hit Skyr Food for Fighting So You Want to Be an Astrophysicist WMAP for dummies King of Tambora Bird 'flu for theorists ok, three of these are for ye olde blogge on, but that's just 'cause I haven't updated the "highlights" link for a long time and couldn't be bothered to search a lot Other hits include: "strange but true pulsars" and "planet around a white dwarf" and of course "iPod iChing" (sorry Sean)
Schools around here get a lot of parent volunteers and rely heavily on them. Some of the kids have an interesting attitude about this. I was talking to a friend recently. As with many of the volunteers she has no training in education and no experience with actual teaching of groups. She is a professional with two kids of her own. She mentioned the "two trouble boys" in the class she was helping with, and said she had tried to work with one of them. After trying to cajole him and then order him to do something, he turned to her and told her bluntly: "I'm not doing it, and you can't make me".…
Accuweather is now forecasting return of Santa Ana conditions late saturday persisting for sunday and monday - though not predicted to be as strong as this week's winds. This is bad news for the wildfire situation in southern california, as the bigger fires are unlikely to be fully contained by then. There is also the possibility of new fires springing up in other locations - eg the San Gabriels were pretty much not touched in this round, slightly different wind direction might make them vulnerable. Might not be done yet.
In the short story "A Pail of Air" by Leiber, the Earth is ejected into interstellar space. The story describes the one family's struggle for survival as the atmosphere freezes out. A few years ago, David Stevenson noted that such free floaters could sustain liquid water on the surface through geothermal heating, if the atmosphere was thick enough and of the right composition. Now a smart, hard working postdoc and some random co-author have explore it further, looking at what happens to free floaters with Moons! Tidal heating may supplement geo heating long enough for live to become…
San Diego Tribune is reporting the reservation fire has reached South Grade road on Palomar mountain. Am I correct in thinking this is the switchback road that goes straight up to the observatory? So the fire is 5-10 miles away and below the observatory? Anyone know observatory status? PS: apparently fire was mid-mountain about 2 miles from observatory at dawn PPS: House-to-house battle on top of Palomar Mountain PPPS: Caltech web site now says wind turned and observatory is safe for now. UPDATE: definitely a bad fire coming up Palomar Mountain, whether it engulfs(ed) the top depends on what…
The Guardian: America Ooh. h/t Brad deLong
One of the minor joys in life is to pick a sporty-ish car out of the executive-elite-super-premium-platinum line at the car rental at LAX and hit the three-level exchange in downtown LA with KROQ on heading for Pasadena, as long as it is not the rush hour or two so, how many years did it take for me to click, that of course KROQ is live streamed on the intertubes...? If it hadn't been for the SoCal fires I'd never have thunk to look. I mean, who can resist the truly inane fire situation commentary inbetween the mix of old alt-rock and contemporaty lite-pop? I wonder if Doc-on-the-ROQ is still…
The Yorkshire Ranter avoids the topic of rugby, but does summarises the current strategic situation - the US carrier groups are refurbishing (well, the Kitty Hawk just left harbour for fall deployment and exercises in the west pacific, and the Enterprise is "on station" but not listed in the Persian Gulf or Arabian Sea, so I'm guessing in harbour picking up stores). Nothing happening there. Don't know where Cheney gets his bluster from. The US is just not positioned to do anything silly before spring, makes the rhetoric coming out look kinda impotent.
I have family (in-laws) and lots of old friends in SoCal, so I checked in on the fires on-line this morning - looks bad. But, really, it is a local disaster, right? At lunch the e-mail came in - the San Diego Supercomputer Center is erratic and heading for going down later today. Don't expect it will be up to much this week. Staff were ordered to stay home, power is "erratic"... dammit. We have 100,000 hours to burn on that big iron, this semester, it can't burn down. SDSC just e-mailed. All systems down at noon local time...
Some time ago I was asked to nominate candidates for an honorary degree from Penn State. For the record, I nominated V. Wilson (née Plame), Penn State alumnae, for services to the nation. I was thanked, most politely, for my suggestion.
in a rational US the '08 election would be Dodd vs Huckabee in practise Huckabee's name is not presidential enough, I am told and Dodd's hair is not presidential enough, or so I am told - not that presidential hair may be too pretty either... if you're a democrat y'all have a real funny way to do these things, I still haven't figured out why party primaries are run as a state event, nor why some rules allow non-party members to vote for party candidates - unless it is some interesting exercise in seeing if people understand game theory