Chad, some time ago, did the parlor game of "what google phrase is uniquely associated with you(r blog)."
Just by virtue of sheer repetition, "Whoosh goes the randomizer" is definitely one of my most strongly google-linked phrases.
However, now I have "Aes Sedai of Orange County" inextricably linked to me, for as long as the net.archives live.
I must rein in my subconscious sometimes.
John Scalzi at Whatever rants on the current political situation.
It is a rant of beauty.
Sometimes we link because linking is an intrinsic good.
Russia is sending a navy squadron into the US"s backyard pool.
The nuclear Kirov class cruiser "Peter the Great" with associated escort vessels.
They will conduct naval exercises with Venezuela.
Kirov class cruiser Pyotr Velikiy
Partly in response to the USS Mount Whitney's little visit to the Black Sea, and partly in response to the re-activation of the Fourth Fleet with some amphibious assault ships, and, I infer, maybe the aircraft carrier USS George Bush attached to it.
I suspect a not very subtle message is being sent.
I infer recent admin official trips to EurAsia did not go over so…
NASAwatch has a series on interesting posts on Mike Griffin, the Shuttle, its successor and a recent leaked e-mail.
Read if you deeply care about NASA funding and medium term policies and funding issues.
It started with an e-mail from Griffin leaked to the Orlando Sentinel. The e-mail only had 8 recipients, all senior NASA HQ personnel. The e-mail copy is a bad scan of a paper printout. Curious.
NASAwatch's take is here (take time to read the comments)
The gist is that the new Exploration launchers will not be available on time, that the US is looking at 3-5 year gap with no launchers and no…
Sultry friday, and there is a storm on the horizon.
So, oh Mighty iPod. We bring the classical question: will Ares blaze forth and unleash Deimos and Phobos in the near future?
Whoosh goes the randomizer.
The Covering: Hong Kong Garden - Siouxsie and the Banshees
The Crossing: Grænmetisvísur - Thorbjorn Egner
The Crown: It Says Here (Alternate Version) - Billy Bragg
The Root: Burning Down the House - Talking Heads
The Past: Coal-Train Robberies - Elvis Costello
The Future: Concerto #6 in B flat major
The Questioner: Among The Little White Daisies - Jeanne Ritchie
The House: Bangsi…
Epicycles can be thought of as correlated 2-D Fourier sums.
As such, they are complete.
Any connected, delimited, periodic curve in the plane can be reconstructed to arbitary precision with high enough order epicycles and requisite deferents.
Below is an illustration of this. It is impressive.
That, apparently, took 1000 nested epicycles.
It is awesome.
Generalization to arbitary (centered, connected) figures is left as an exercise for the reader.
For extra credit, construct the system of N-bodies which would generate this periodic orbit. Discuss its stability to small perturbations…
There are three tropical storms in the Atlantic right now, Hanna, Ike and Josephine.
We are coming up on peak hurricane season.
Flow off Africa suggests there may be 2-3 more disturbances coming up behind those, which could develop into tropical storms.
Long range forecasts are generally poor, too many ways in which a small angular deflection of near future trajectories could change long term trajectory drastically, but current projections suggest Hanna will scoot up the east coast, probably as a weak cat 1-2 hurricane, hitting land anywhere between maybe north Florida and North Carolina,…
The real issue is the exact proper motion, not the dispersion about the mean.
Although I suppose outliers can be interesting, even in small N groups.
This is very clever.
I award it a clear: "damn, I wish I had thought of that...!"
"Velocity dispersions in a cluster of stars: How fast could Usain Bolt have run?
H. K. Eriksen, J. R. Kristiansen, O. Langangen, I. K. Wehus
(Submitted on 1 Sep 2008 (v1), last revised 2 Sep 2008 (this version, v2))
Since that very memorable day at the Beijing 2008 Olympics, a big question on every sports commentator's mind has been "What would the 100 meter…
Tom asks - what do I think about the role of professional societies in education?
In particular the American Astronomical Society, which has in recent times had a mission to "optimize the contributions of both the AAS and its members to enhanced science literacy for all, provide encouragement and to broaden educational opportunities for all, with particular attention to groups under-served in the physical sciences, and ensure that undergraduate and graduate programs in astronomy prepare not only the next generation of professional astronomers but also broadly trained individuals with strong…
Obama campaign has answered the ScienceDebate 2008 14 questions on science policy
7.5% increase per year for basic research.
Teacher training, more graduate fellowships.
CO2 cap-and-trade.
Try lots of things on climate change.
Broad, fairly sensible energy policy. Includes nuclear.
Broad good noises on STEM and science teaching.
Same on bioterror and defence research.
No cooties over DNA. Increase stem cell research.
Oceans are nice.
Water is a state issue, sense not too touch that.
Revive NASC, cross-agency space policy.
Strengthen PCAST
Health is an issue.
Not bad.
Sarah Palin, republican VP candidate, is, apparently a "teach the controversy" christian...
This could get interesting:
from the wiki entry
"...Palin supported the teaching of creationism alongside evolution in schools,[31] however, she noted she would not use "religion as a litmus test, or anybody's personal opinion on evolution or creationism" as criteria for selection to the school board."
[31] reference is Anchorage Daily News article:
"...The volatile issue of teaching creation science in public schools popped up in the Alaska governor's race this week when Republican Sarah Palin said…
American Institute of Physics through Physics Today has bloggers at the DNC and RNC conventions as part of their Politics08 forum
Good discussion on the conventions here - everything from details of science policies, to what is in the goodie bags
Including the "coal stress reliever" if things get too heated.
Good read and source of information.
Rainy Fay Friday and we ponder near future happenings in the south eastern corners of the US.
Oh, mighty iPod One: whence Gustav and Hanna?
Whoosh goes the randomizer.
iPod divination for newbies - believe it!
The Covering: Le Pantalon - Henri Dés
The Crossing: The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Rogé
The Crown: Fool #1 - Mavericks
The Root: Sixpence Only - Spilverk Þjóðanna
The Past: Accdents Will Happen - Elvis Costello
The Future: Intro 2 - Billyie Holiday
The Questioner: Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee
The House: You Make Me Brave - Billy Bragg
The Inside: Romeo and…
The current generation of reality shows are getting tired, a round of new concepts is needed:
Big Brother: USS Enterprise
The Aes Sedai of Orange County
Pern Idol
Survivor: Illearth
Apprentice: Jedi
Anarres' Next Top Model
The Amazing Race: Middle Earth
Fear Factor: X
The Real World: Hogwarts
PS: actually what we really need is Big Brother: ISS
I might stay up to watch that...
strange objects found lying around
In an effort to preserve the sanity of my colleagues and students, and in honour of late night reruns of "Clean House", I am currently recycling or throwing out something every time I exit the office.
This leads to interesting and amusing and gratifying discoveries, and also some strange obscure objects in the piles.
So, why was intensely interested in E1615+061 at some point in the not too distant past...?
Cpt. J.S. McCain III has come under a lot of unwarranted criticism recently.
May I say, first of all, that I respect and honour McCain's service to the USA, its air force, and the Douglas Aircraft Company.
Two of McCain's recent responses to questions have come under extensive criticism, particularly on the intertoobs:
1) that he was unable to remember, precisely, how many houses he and his wife happened to own at that precise moment, and;
2) that to be considered "rich", rather than middle class, required an income of order $5 million per year.
These responses are much misunderstood, and I'…
Every now and then I get a message which informs.
"If your jobs are unfortunately killed by the hurricane..."
"...simulation runs, please let us know and we will refund you the used SUs.
Sorry for the inconvenience."
LONI - the Lousiana Optical Network Initiative - is flushing its computing queue for pre-emptive hurricane modeling, this afternoon, and, I presume, through the weekend.
Current National Hurricane Center path predictions have NOLA right in the center of the predicted path - with landfall late sunday/early monday.
Cone of uncertainty stretches from NW Florida to NE Texas.