iPod iChing - 222

Steamy hot friday and we ask the mighty iPod: what for the next 16 years?

Whoosh goes the randomizer.

  • The Covering: Rudi, A Message To You - Specials
  • The Crossing: Travelin' Soldier (live) - Dixie Chicks
  • The Crown: (White Man) in Hammersmith Palais (live) - Clash
  • The Root: Sulk - Billy Bragg
  • The Past: Cadet Rouselle - Sien Diels
  • The Future: Winter - Vivaldi
  • The Questioner: Change - Melissa Etheridge
  • The House: Bob Wilson - Anchorman - Half Man Half Biscuit
  • The Inside: O zittre nicht mein lieber Son - Mozart
  • The Outcome: The Price I Pay - Billy Bragg

"Well I'd like to meet Stephenson, the engineer
And I'd like to meet Faraday and buy him a beer
And I'd love to meet the bloke who had the bright idea of
Bob Wilson - anchorman."

As always, the Key as explained by Sean

The new groups are not concerned
With what there is to be learned
They got Burton suits, Hah! you think it's funny
Turning rebellion into money


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