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to get is phone. He even brought some muscle. Some tough looking guy. He tried to claim the fish was his, of course. He was like "Yea, I had that in my pocket. I was gonna eat it later" and shit. But I didn't even listen 'cause I remembered it from last month, not making it home from the…
tags: politics, democracy, superdelegates, Roy Zimmerman, streaming video For this morning's video, I thought I'd share this little song with you, mostly because I have been asked to interview a local superdelegate for a story that the Huffington Post (where I volunteer) is writing. This time, I…
Get your own slogan - just type in your name (or whatever word you want) and click ...The Advertising Slogan Generator does the rest for you. As it did for me - just check the title of this post. Update: Ha! I knew other sciencebloggers were gonna love this. And here they are, generating their…
With apologies to Radiohead's "There, there": in pitch dark i go walking in your codespace. broken errors trip me as i speak. just 'cause you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. just 'cause you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. There's always decoherence Singing you to shipwreck (Don'…