Superdelegates, The Song

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For this morning's video, I thought I'd share this little song with you, mostly because I have been asked to interview a local superdelegate for a story that the Huffington Post (where I volunteer) is writing. This time, I will try to write a story for you on my blog about this interview. At least, I am hoping I can (is interview material proprietary?). Anyway, regardless of whether I am allowed to write my story for you, I can share this clever little song by political commentator, Roy Zimmerman, which is billed as "putting the mock into Democracy." [2:59]

Won't you supersede my decision
Superdelegate I need

I can't be trusted
To choose my own nominee
Democracy is just too important
To leave it to people like me

So gimme my election
'Cause it feels good to check that box
And when you determine how it should have turned out
I'll be right here sucking rocks

'Cause only when the ballots have all been collected
Can they be corrected

Won't you supersede my decision
Superdelegate I need

When your vote is counted
It's like ten thousand to my one
It's good to know that my representative
Has such representation

So, do someone a favor
'Cause you know they'll remember that
You scratch their back and they'll scratch yours
It's his or her tit for your tat

The Democratic Party is too democratic
'Cause Democrats so erratic

The nominee was chosen by the people
And that nominee
Was George McGovern
Ooo Nineteen-Seventy-Six
The nominee was chosen by the people
And that nominee Was Jimmy Carter
Ooo But Nineteen-Eighty-Four
The nominee was chosen by the

And that nominee
Was Walter Mondale!

Won't you supersede my decision
Ooo, Superdelegate
I need your...super...imposition

-- Roy Zimmerman, 2008.

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Who chooses the SuperDelegates?

Forgive the silliness of the question (or it would be if I was a US resident) I find your whole candidate selection process interesting.

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 20 Feb 2008 #permalink

For background information, just look up superdelegate on Wikipedia. They have a nice article with relevant history.