Quiz Ranks Candidates For You

Too lazy to follow the positions of the presidential candidates? Try this quiz. It presents 25 questions. You answer whether you oppose or support the item and whether its importance is minimal, important, or key. It will then rank the candidates according to how they line up with your answers, with large positive values being in highest agreement and large negatives opposite. The quiz is certainly not perfect as there are some missing issues and not as much flexibility as there could be, but it's interesting none the less. It should also be noted that it includes some candidates who have dropped out.

I took the quiz twice, on two different days, with slight variations in my answers. In both cases Kucinich and Gravel came out tops (upper 40s to mid 50s) while dead last were Hunter and Romney with negative mid 50s, followed by Tancredo and Huckabee . The only positive scoring Rebublican was Paul, although he was behind all of the Democrats.

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Kucinich and Gravel are unfortunately my top two (and incapable of winning). But it looks like Kucinich's endorsement of Obama works out, as he is my third choice on the quiz and has a chance to win.

My results with scores:

Kucinich: 86
Gravel: 64
Dodd: 49
Clinton: 48
Obama: 43

So I pretty much know my ideal candidate won't be elected.

I maintained my well earned reputation for contrariness, the highest scare any candidate (Richardson) got was six.

Huckabee got a four, but there are so many points of fundamental disagreement they far out weigh where we do agree in my estimation.

(If you were wondering, the candidate I prefer (rotten old God bothering militaristic reprobate that I am), Fred Thompson, got rated at minus one.)