
Posts by this author
November 15, 2008
It's Saturday again, time for another update of my progress towards this month's InaDWriMo goals.
I've been sending myself little daily progress report details, but sometimes it's useful to take stock of the larger picture. For instance, until I sat down to write this post, I'd forgotten that I…
November 14, 2008
I'm at the end of a super long work week, one where I saw even less of Minnow than usual, and one that's leaving me wondering whether my priorities need adjusting.
And as I listen to Minnow babble herself to sleep down the hall, I discover this beautiful post from one of the most thoughtful…
November 13, 2008
The University of Washington's ADVANCE Center for Institutional Change
received an award this year from the National Science Foundation
ADVANCE program to hold professional development workshops for
Ph.D.-level women in industry, research labs, consulting, or national
labs who are interested in…
November 13, 2008
As you've probably heard, Isis the Scientist has gotten herself some new digs around these parts. Her blog, "On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess," also got itself a shiny new banner.
And while I've got to admit that I admire her for strongly-held opinions on footwear and other subjects,…
November 12, 2008
Where we left our heroine at the end of the last episode, she was on her way to pick Minnow up from daycare. Work day's over right? Should be smooth sailing from here to midnight. Maybe, maybe not.
(Note to Lab Lemming: Don't worry about the time to type up these posts. They were compiled from…
November 11, 2008
Where we left our saga, our heroine was getting ready for her class. The work day had begun in earnest.
9:10 am. Start the last minute lecture prep. Decide to not make the overheads I need for an example at the end of class...we won't get there anyway I think.
9:30 am. Class. Discuss problems with…
November 10, 2008
Last September, I chronicled my journey through a fairly typical weekday as a first year assistant professor with an infant. The day started early and never really ended, so it took me three posts to tell the whole story (1, 2, 3). I always intended to revisit the project again, but it's taken me…
November 10, 2008
"15 km2 of rain forest disappears every minute." (WWF, Denmark)
The DailyGreen has posted 11 environmental ads from around the world that are arresting to the eye and the mind. Take a look at all of them and then do what you can to help their messages resonate in your life.
h/t Kristjan Wager
November 8, 2008
Eek! We're one week into November already? How in the world did that happen? I've made good progress, but I still have *so* much left to do.
I've already told you how my writing month got off to a start, but below the fold you can catch up on the rest of my progress.
Sunday Nov 2: Added final…
November 6, 2008
I still get a little chill down my spine when the news announcers say "President-elect Obama," but already I am being reminded that we can't just sit back and wait for him to save the world. We still need to do our part, and one of the things we need to do right now is be vigilant to make sure that…
November 5, 2008
From my email box:
My name is Annie Fox and I am a graduate student in Social Psychology at the University of Connecticut. Currently, I am conducting a study examining the role of blogging in the lives of Academic mothers. We have identified you as a potential participant because your blog came…
November 4, 2008
Be the change we want to see...
November 1, 2008
InaDWriMo did not get off to a good start. I had spent 3 hours working on my proposal on Friday afternoon. Before leaving for the weekend, I carefully backed it up into multiple places AND emailed the co-PI with the almost-complete draft. This afternoon, I opened up the file to fill in some of the…
November 1, 2008
InaDWriMo is, and I quote:
International acaDemic Writing Month is the academic's answer to NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. It was originally created by StyleyGeek as International Dissertation Writing Month, but because so many of us who had already finished our degrees were interested in…
October 30, 2008
It's the very last day of our DonorsChoose Reader Challenge for 2008. I just want to say how amazed I am by the generosity of our readers. I'm particularly proud that we have far more donors than many of our more widely read competitors er, Sciblings.
By the time we add in the contribution from…
October 29, 2008
It's one of those days where it is now almost 4 pm and I have yet to get working on tomorrow morning's lecture. I'm also going to miss a self-imposed deadline to get a draft out to a collaborator. Instead, I spent the morning getting flu shots for Minnow and I and working with a student on a…
October 28, 2008
Picking up on a meme for which I've been tagged by ScientistMother, I'm going to add my own little twist, and do six random facts along a common theme.
I chose geoscience in seventh grade because I needed a science fair project and I didn't want to do anything my parents knew something about.…
October 27, 2008
I sporadically get press releases from organizations trying to promote themselves to our readers. This time, I'm actually going to manage to post it in a timely fashion.
The Feminist Press with IBM have just launched UnderTheMicroscope.com, a new site to involve young women in science and to…
October 26, 2008
Our DonorsChoose blogger challenge ends on Friday, and we've still got a couple of projects left to fund in our challenge. Yes, we've added a few along the way, but there's still a few of Alice's original picks that have been sitting there all month just waiting for your $.
You're making Alice a…
October 23, 2008
That sort of crazy talk sounds like it might be something from a right-wing political campaign, but it's not. It's from a letter published in this week's Nature magazine. The authors, Timothy J. Roper & Larissa Conradt of the University of Sussex, responded to a Nature post-doc journal entry in…
October 22, 2008
I find it so refreshing that a bunch of guys are debating the value of anonymity/pseudonymity/identity and its relationship to trust as pseudonymous Abel Pharmboy and decloaked Dr. Pal prepare for their session at ScienceOnline09. I think that sometimes pseudonymity is considered a women's issue,…
October 22, 2008
Hat tip to a reader who pointed me at this recent Chronicle article by two women scientists who tell their stories of bringing their infants along to their field research sites. And pretty hardcore stuff too. Two months in the Yukon studying snow for an assistant professor (Joan Ramage Macdonald),…
October 21, 2008
Dear Administrators,
I understand that Dr. Bigwig in a field related to -ology is coming to campus this week and that we're all very excited to have him here. I'm glad that we are throwing a reception before his lecture. Free food is good. I even support the decision to move Dr. Bigwig's…
October 18, 2008
It's late. I've been working on this piece of writing all evening, and I've got one more meaty sentence to finish. But I feel like Cinderella over-staying her curfew at the ball, because every time I try to write that last sentence, it turns into a pumpkin.
"A comparison of A & B would be…
October 17, 2008
It seems to me that sending off a big grant proposal should occasion a sigh of relief, a glass of wine, and a few minutes away from work. But when I submitted my proposal this afternoon, I barely even got up from my computer. Instead, I dove right into the next item on my to-do list. I'm seriously…
October 15, 2008
When you hear the word "poverty," what do you think of? Starving children in Africa? Subsistence farmers in Asia? Is poverty some distant concept? Something terrible, but far off? Yes, and no. Because, while poverty is terrible, it can also be close to home. Maybe as close as the public school…
October 12, 2008
I'm still sequestered somewhere away from Mystery City, working madly on grant proposals and spending some quality time with my family. How are these things co-existing? Not so well. But at least it's pretty here.
But anyways, I wanted to offer to send my dear blog readers a postcard from our…
October 10, 2008
Isis and Physioprof aren't the only ones who can cook, you know. I don't get to cook on a regular basis, but every couple of weeks there's some piece of produce just begging to be cooked into deliciousness. This past week, it was a batch of organic Italian plums that came with our produce delivery…
October 7, 2008
This afternoon the Science family loaded up our car and headed off on an adventure. We'll be out of town for 8 (!) days, but I may have sporadic internet access, as this is a working vacation for me.
Below the fold, I've posted a photo of my packing list (and progress so far). Feel free to guess…
October 7, 2008
We got off to a strong start in the Sciencewomen Reader Challenge 2008. In the first 48 hours, we attracted 9 donors who gave a total of almost $400 to our DonorsChoose projects that fund impoverished public school science classrooms. And then we plateaued and our ticker hasn't budged a milimeter…