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February 12, 2011
Anyone who has thought about teaching and learning amidst the explosive growth of emedia and online social networking should take a look at this video by Prof. Michael Wesch at Kansas State University. It is an exciting and challenging time to be an educator. I believe that the web can be a two-…
February 11, 2011
Let's face it. Communicating about science and medicine is hard. First, you have to grab attention - an incredible challenge in a 24 hour news cycle with provocative often meaningless sound bites and advertisements, all fine-tuned towards the psychology of the human animal. Messages directed to…
February 10, 2011
Breaking news of the potential end to Egypt's President Mubarek's time in office indicates that the "transition" may well become a resolution very soon, perhaps tomorrow, Friday, February 11. Will this date mark a new chapter of Egyptian history? I sincerely hope that this crisis ends quickly…
February 10, 2011
Dear readers, With "Dean's Corner" in its third month, I would like to learn about you. Inspired by Ed Yong's thread, I ask that you tell me about yourself, your interest in science and how you got here. I'm intrigued that readers of this blog are spread far and wide. Here's a…
February 9, 2011
Tonight, I saw this Twitter message from Carl Zimmer, a science writer journalist and reporter for whom I have great respect: MT @BadAstronomer: Media FAIL *again*. This time, it's HuffPo and Apophis.. http://is.gd/OwyJxk CZ: That's $315 million of AOL FAIL now! While I remain a dedicated…
February 9, 2011
Source. Actor George Clooney is recognized for more than his roles in television and film. He has worked diligently to support human rights issues in regions in crisis such as the Sudan. In The New York Times blog "On the Ground," reporter Nicholas Kristof joins Mr. Clooney to address readers'…
February 8, 2011
Source. Here is a compelling example of creative use of protein labeling technologies to view complex anatomy - a perfect complement to my ongoing series about fruit fly brains! According to the paper in Nature Methods' Abstract: excerpted for the non-scientist; To facilitate studies of neural…
February 6, 2011
Source. Linkin Park's Chester Bennington / Photo by Ian Witlen. If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one... Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. Bhagavad Gita From the first moment of "Requiem" from A…
February 3, 2011
This article was co-authored with Carrie Manfrino, PhD, Kean University, Department of Geology and Meteorology and Director of Research and Conservation, Central Caribbean Marine Institute, Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. Maintenance of Mid-Tower -- The Coral Reef Early Warning System (CREWS)…
February 2, 2011
People protested against President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt outside the United Nations headquarters in New York on Saturday. Source: The New York Times This article was co-authored with Dr. Morad Abou-Sabe, President of the Arab American League of Voters of New Jersey. Dear President Obama, The US…
February 2, 2011
Source. Prescription medications for the management of type 2 diabetes, while effective for many patients, have been fraught with side effects including weight gain that can make the disease worse given its link with obesity. Would it be possible to replace the pill with natural alternatives?…
February 1, 2011
As the world watches history in progress in Egypt, here is an example of how technology can facilitate the voices of the people in Egypt. Twitter messages have played important roles in a variety of political and human rights issues around the globe. Let us all hope for a peaceful outcome and…
January 30, 2011
The New York Times Sunday Magazine published a brilliant essay today by Executive Editor Bill Keller, "The Boy Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest" that describes an evolving relationship between news media outlets and their source and the complex balancing act between the freedom of press and a…
January 29, 2011
For atmospheric carbon dioxide levels to stabilize, this chart clearly shows, the world's major emitters and smaller countries will have to reduce emissions. If you've ever wondered about how each nation contributes to the global carbon "footprint," take a look at this compelling graphic. The…
January 27, 2011
What do Biology teachers teach our children? This has been an ongoing subject of discussion by my Scibling PZ Meyers for years. I would like to add a comment, based on a paper in this week's Science. A study just published in Science indicates that while creationism may have been defeated in…
January 27, 2011
Education reform may be one of the most important initiatives of our generation. It is a complex and sensitive topic, with a wide range of views from families, teachers and their unions (if public), states, the federal government and from think tanks. The Royal Society for the encouragement of…
January 26, 2011
Source. "L" and alliterations thereof, turns out to have immense importance in literature and science. Science and art can co-exist. Surprised? Let me explain. The creator of the infamous character "Lolita," Vladimir Nabokov, turns out to have been not only one of the most influential writers…
January 26, 2011
Doug Mills/The New York Times President Obama focused attention on preparing the United States to thrive against global competition. President Obama's 2011 State of the Union speech was broad, thematic and optimistic as expected. Each listener comes to such a speech with their own perspective…
January 25, 2011
Source. It is no surprise that anyone playing football risks physical injury. More and more data is pointing to brain injuries caused by high speed collisions to the player's helmet. I once had the pleasure of dining with Michael Strahan who played for the New York Giants for fourteen seasons.…
January 25, 2011
Tonight, President Obama will give his State of the Union address at 9 pm with a new twist: using the latest online technologies, including streaming visual aids, with charts and statistics relevant to his comments. What a wonderful way to engage and educate the public! See you online. From…
January 24, 2011
Imagine being able to observe the health status of your brain streaming real-time in 3D. Medical treatments for a range of neurovascular, neurological, cancerous and trauma-induced conditions would be far more effective, because snapshots over time would reveal the progression of a disease or…
January 23, 2011
Note to readers: This report of a supposed viral pandemic is entirely fictional but not inconceivable, and is for entertainment purposes only (depending upon your sensibilities.) A new viral pandemic may be on its way. To date, physical symptoms have been benign. While the method of transmission…
January 22, 2011
Please...someone tell me that this is a joke, a hoax, pseudoscience... I invite perspectives from astronomers, physicists, etc. According to The Huffington Post: According to Prof. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland: for at least a few weeks, we'd…
January 22, 2011
Leon Botstein conducts the American Symphony Orchestra at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in New York. The ASO plays at Avery Fisher Hall. Photographer: Richard Termine/21C Media Group via Bloomberg President Leon Botstein of Bard College is using an innovative approach in higher education…
January 21, 2011
Lingering 1989 Exxon Valdez oil in beach sediments in Prince William Sound, Alaska I clearly remember the announcement of the oil spill from the Exxon Valdez in 1989. The event was so upsetting that I refused to purchase gas from Exxon for decades. Now, twenty one years later, an exhibit by…
January 21, 2011
Photo source. Kisses are a better fate than wisdom. {e. e. cummings} Just in time for Valentine's Day! The Science of Kissing is Everywhere. {NPR, NBC's The Today Show, Time, Newsday...} Kissing is one of the most intimate things we do. What does it mean? This post is worth bringing back…
January 21, 2011
My recent posting on deepwater oil drilling raised questions about alternative energy sources. The news of more and more permits allowing deepwater oil drilling is discouraging given available alternative fuels, but understandable. Here's why. A recent Science publication by Richard Kerr…
January 20, 2011
Is kissing unique to humans? Why do we do it? What is its biological role, with our spouse, our children, our friends and family? {I can't imagine saying goodnight to my children without a peck on their foreheads or cheek - why am I compelled to do so?} These are questions that researcher and…
January 20, 2011
A message sent this afternoon over Twitter by President Obama announces a new report, "Promises Kept," produced by "Organizing for America" (a project of the Democratic National Committee.) This brief document gives food for thought as we look towards the 2012 Presidential elections. @…
January 20, 2011
The final report from the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling was just recently submitted to President Obama. Will lessons be learned from this disaster? The announcement today does not bode well. I fear that we will be paying for the BP oil spill for…