
Profile picture for user jgoldman
Jason Goldman

Posts by this author

July 6, 2010
If you've been around Scienceblogs today, or on Twitter, you may have noticed that there appears to be a new blog around these parts. On behalf of the team here at ScienceBlogs, I'd like to welcome you to Food Frontiers, a new project presented by PepsiCo. As part of this partnership, we'll hear…
July 6, 2010
Here are my Research Blogging Editor's Selections for this week: TwoYaks at the GeneFlow blog effectively criticizes the hypothesis that girls like pink and boys like blue because of evolved sex differences in hunting and foraging behaviors. Thankfully, a disclaimer is included so that…
July 6, 2010
Last week, Travis, Christie, Scicurious and I spent about 45 minutes in a skype conference call. The first 15 minutes were spent making fun of Travis for his strange Canadian speech patterns, and sympathizing with poor Christie for not being able to talk to us while enjoying the beautiful Hawaiian…
July 5, 2010
"The males often prefer eating to mating." Apparently, giant panda dudes (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in captivity would rather sit around and munch on bamboo than get it on with the females. And this is a problem at the Chengdu Panda Breeding and Research Centre, where scientists are urging the…
July 5, 2010
I am quite full from the last minute Fourth of July dinner that my brother and I threw together - featuring grilled chicken-apple sausages, roasted pork tenderloin with lemon-pepper dry rub, and chocolate peanut butter cookies. Too full to blog. Instead as I'm working my way through season six of…
July 4, 2010
Every celebration deserves some muppets.
July 2, 2010
Looks like Drugmonkey has re-instated the who are you and why are you looking at me meme. Having only participated as a reader of Scienceblogs the last few years, I'm excited to be on the other side of the table this time. For some background, Ed Yong initially started this game a few years ago,…
July 2, 2010
There was so much good stuff this past week or two. Here's a round-up: Dave Munger's column in Seed Magazine, regarding self-report data, features the blogcast I did with Travis a few weeks ago. Seventh graders draw pictures of scientists. Then they meet some scientists. And draw new pictures. Some…
July 1, 2010
Upon waking up this morning, my sciblings and I discovered that many of us had become zombies. What else could I do but capitalize on an internet meme, in between snacking on brains and flesh? Surprisingly, some of my sciblings' BOOKS were even afflicted:
July 1, 2010
Imagine with me, for a moment, that the zombie invasion has begun. You try to escape, but the zombies are just too much to handle. You can't run fast enough. They're everywhere. Your favorite science bloggers have been turned into zombies and they're coming for you. Figure 1: Thanks to Joseph…
June 30, 2010
There are some great questions coming in to Ask a Scienceblogger! If you (or your kids?) have a question you want answered by a scienceblogger drop by Page 3.14 (the blog of the SB overlordz) and leave your question in the comments on this post. Tyler asked: It's said that the left hemisphere of…
June 29, 2010
Sapri Li Ahuva (Tell me, beloved) by one of my fave Israeli singers, Dindin Aviv. For those who don't understand Hebrew, here is a transliteration (courtesy hebrewsongs.com): Tell me beloved, with your beautiful eyes What does your heart desire? Tell me child, beautiful in my dream How will I…
June 29, 2010
One of my scientific heroes, Richard Feynman, explains confusion and stupidity: Albert Einstein said: "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called Research." If you're going to be doing research, you better be comfortable with feeling stupid.
June 29, 2010
Here are my ResearchBlogging Editor's Selections for this week. Today's selections will appear in haiku form. How hungry are you? Hunger affects decisions, says Christian Jarrett. Touch and texture, too, at Neurophilosophy, alter decisions. Science and Reason explores creativity and mental…
June 28, 2010
Fellow primate enthusiast Eric M. Johnson celebrates the one year blogoversary of the Scienceblogs incarnation of The Primate Diaries, today. Go on over and say hello.
June 28, 2010
The science-loving band OK Go (whose newest video messes with time perception) has another hilarious video out there. Not a music video, mind you. Just a video. It appears they had a bit of a run-in with Animal, of the muppets, at the Webby Awards. Those dudes are hilarious.
June 28, 2010
She: "What are you writing about?" Me: "Cognition in cold-blooded animals." She: "Hot." Most people who study cognition focus on mammals or birds. But I hope I've convinced you that other animals are important to investigate as well. One research group at the University of Vienna likes cold-blooded…
June 27, 2010
Figure 1: Mountain lion kitten. From my good friends at LAist: Since 2002, biologists having been tracking and studying the movements of mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains, Simi Hills and Santa Susana Mountains to better understand how they live surrounded by development. A total of 19…
June 26, 2010
Drove down PCH with a friend on Friday night blasting this song just as the moon was rising above the horizon. Fantastic. Alejandro - Lady Gaga
June 25, 2010
Here at Thoughtful Animal headquarters, we're starting a new series of seven-question interviews with people who are doing or have done animal research of all kinds - biomedical, behavioral, cognitive, and so forth. Interested in how animal research is conducted, or why animal research is important…
June 24, 2010
Do cats have self recognition? This video suggests they might not, at least in terms of passing the mirror recognition task. But, well, this isn't really the mirror recognition task. And the mirror recognition task may not be the best way to test self recognition in cats. But in any case, it's a…
June 24, 2010
You can have a pet domesticated fox of your very own - from the Russian fox farm I've previously written about - for the low low price of just $5,950. Figure 1: Isn't he cute? Click to embiggen. Check it out. According to the website, Housing: Foxes can live outside or inside.They need shade from…
June 24, 2010
Last week, I asked on twitter, and then on the blog, about peoples' preferences for listening to music while doing various types of sciencey work, and conducted an informal survey. Today I'll give you the (entirely unscientific) results, and in a few days I'll share what research has to say about…
June 23, 2010
The awesome videos just keep on coming. Check out this one from National Geographic. A juvenile chimp and her mother set out to do some fishing for termites in Congo's Goualougo Triangle, but the juvenile spots something interesting - an apparently not-so-well hidden camera - and investigates. I…
June 23, 2010
Well, sort of. Ready for the new SETI blog here at Scienceblogs? They launched today. I don't know if we have to look to the skies to find aliens. We've got some pretty strange terrestrial life around here: (via @sfriedscientist of Southern Fried Science)
June 22, 2010
This is just cool. No behavior, no cognition, no neuroscience. Just animal awesomeness. Amazing time-lapse video of a twelve-foot spider crab molting. Watch til the end. From Neatorama, via @kzelnio (of Deep Sea News)
June 22, 2010
Lots of new things to tell you about. First, SB has reinvigorated the ScienceBlogs Book Club. The first book being discussed is "Inside the Outbreaks: The Elite Medical Detectives of the Epidemic Intelligence Service" by Mark Pendergrast, who is participating in the book club himself, and already…
June 22, 2010
Here at my Research Blogging Editor's Selections for this week: A few hours late, but full of psychological and neurosciencey goodness as always! Bill Yates of Brain Posts asks, Can An iPhone Save Your Life? A topic near and dear to my own heart: Do we learn through experience to navigate the…
June 21, 2010
Happy Father's Day, everyone! I spent a lot of time today thinking back to why I started blogging in the first place, while I was at my parents house doing the other-than-science things that I love to do: playing with the dog, cooking, gardening. I realized that I've not done enough of that stuff…
June 19, 2010
I've been watching with interest a recent kerfuffle involving a relatively new blog in the sciblogosphere, Academic Jungle, which is written by the pseudonymous blogger GeekMommyProf. Prof-Like Substance has already written a good summary of recent events, so I won't duplicate his efforts. Instead…