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November 16, 2008
With the announcement of Barack Obama's plan to deliver a weekly YouTube address, speculations are arising of how the new administration will make use of "facebook age" technologies to communicate with the public. ScienceBlogger Coturnix from A Blog Around the Clock discusses this and the potential…
November 13, 2008
Using the Hubble Telescope, scientists have successfully viewed a planet revolving around a different star than our beloved Sun for the first time. The planet has been dubbed Fomalhaut b and revolves around the star Fomalhaut, the brightest star in the constellation Piscis calculated to reside…
November 13, 2008
Welcome to another Channel Update. In this post, you will find the large versions of the Medicine & Health and Brain & Behavior channel photos, and also the contextualized versions of the reader reactions from the aforementioned channels. Medicine & Health Medicine & Health…
November 3, 2008
Greetings ScienceBlogs readers. In this post: The large versions of the photos on the Education & Careers and Politics channels, and a recap of the channel quotes. Education & Careers Education & Careers channel photo. An enthusiastic submarine driver pops his head out of the hatch…
October 30, 2008
If you don't think you are a brain in a vat, then there are certain things in life you regard as true—things that are also accepted as true by most other people. When events happen, there are generally highly efficient methods to convey information to the public so that the first-hand information…
October 28, 2008
Hello again, ScienceBlogs enthusiasts. Today we will be taking a look at this week's hot posts in the Environment and Humanities & Social Science channels. I'm Arikia Millikan, your ScienceBlogs intern, and I'll be your guide. Environment channel photo. The PPL-owned nuclear cooling towers in…
October 27, 2008
Greetings ScienceBlogs readers, and welcome to this week's edition of the Life Science and Physical Science Channel updates! I'm Arikia Millikan, your local Sb intern, and I'll be providing commentary on today's "best of." Life Science channel photo. A model representing the molecular structure…
October 23, 2008
H3y sC13Nc3bl092 r34D3R2, 4Nd W3LC0m3 70 73h w33KLy 73CHN0l09Y cH4nn3l UPD473! That means, "Hey ScienceBlogs readers, and welcome to the weekly Technology Channel update!" in 1337. I'm Arikia Millikan, and I'll be your host. Technology channel photo. A dramatic shot of a keyboard. From Flickr, by…
October 21, 2008
I'm going to try something a bit different with the weekly updates, so consider this the pilot episode. Since I read the majority of the blog posts pretty much every day, I want to use these updates to deliver a compact shot of information from the most important and interesting posts. I'll discuss…
October 17, 2008
Next up—the full-sized pictures featured this week on the Politics and Medicine & Health channels and some note-worthy posts. Politics. Sarah Palin using technology. From Flickr, by asecondhandconjecture Here we have Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin seated at a flight simulator.…
October 16, 2008
In this entry, you will find: The large versions of the Environment, Humanities & Social Science, and Education and Careers channel photos and the best posts of the week. Environment. From Flickr, by KhayaL The eagle soars high in a cloudless blue sky. Earlier this week, Darren Naish from…
October 13, 2008
Getting back in the swing of things with Channel posts, what's inside: The large versions of the Life Sciences and Physical Sciences channel photos, comments from readers, and the best posts of the week. Life Science. This cuttlefish was thrilled to celebrate International Cephalopod…