A Good Poop does a PSA

Matthews MG. Autoamputation of infant's finger by knitted mitten: a forgotten hazard. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1986 Apr 26;292(6528):1107.

Perhaps everybody but me knows this, but parents, don't leave knitted mittens on your infants when you put them to bed. It may sound bizarre, but it can lead to them losing fingers.

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Somewhere in this house I've got a box full of knitted baby blankets, mittens and sweaters (all unused) given to me by well-intentioned family members.

Somewhere in this house I've got a box full of knitted baby blankets, mittens and sweaters (all unused) given to me by well-intentioned family members.

My birthday is on Monday. I would be happy if you put up a post for it, even if you just said hello. I miss A Good Poop.

By Michael Fox (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

When I had my first child seven years ago, the infant/child CPR class I took warned against using anything knitted because of the risk to baby fingers and toes. Somewhere in this house I've got a box full of knitted baby blankets, mittens and sweaters (all unused) given to me by well-intentioned family members.

Good tip! I'll tie a string around my finger so I won't forget.