Can't keep it off

Volkmer BG, Maier S. Successful penile replantation following autoamputation: twice! Int J Impot Res. 2002 Jun;14(3):197-8.

The particularly impressive part for me is that he was able to get it up even after the second replantation.

In related news, check out this fascinating review article on genital self-mutilation.

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I question whether he was really able to get it up after each retransplantation. Note the language in the article: "patient reported on a regained erectile function" and "the patient again reported on normal erections." Sure he "reported" that he can get it up; he also chopped it off twice, so how reliable of a source is he? Not to mention that even non-psychotic men often have issues discussing ED with doctors.

If full erectile function was observed by the attending physician, then I might believe it. However, last I checked, the medical definition of potency was erection sufficient for penetration, so if the physician was able to ascertain potency, I would really have to wonder...

That is an amazing article. Now to read the entire archives of the journal it was published in.

It looks like a source for your posts for years to come ;-)