Stockholm Blogmeet 1 September


Just back home from a lovely evening in the company of friends. Good food, good drink and good conversation with (left to right) Tor, Felicia, Kai, Ãsa, Pat, Anders and Lars & Thinker who left before I thought of whipping out my phone cam. Many thanks, guys!

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Ale? Mussels? Say no more, say no more! (Nudge, nudge, know what I mean?)

Work-wise, not the best day, but hopefully, I can make it!

Ãsa, projectile vomiting family members are an excellent reason for being somewhere else.

Felicia, it may not be much solace, but Death will eventually end all pain. (Let us compare intestinal notes in the meanwhile.)

Further to my previous comment, I just read this on Pharyngula:

Our generous Seed overlords wish to mark this event with celebrations all over the world, and are planning to bestow upon us small sums of money for the purpose of purchasing refreshments at gatherings of bloggers and readers ... [snip] ... In other words, we get to have a party and Seed will pay for the beer.

Martin: what have you been hiding from us...?

Sorry, no, the Millionth Comment parties are all between 14 and 28 September. I'm gonna be out of town digging at that time.

Who said anything about your presence being required? Freibier!

I will turn up around 18.30-19 - depending on when I can escape from my supervisor.

I will definately need a beer...or ten