Reader Mug Shot Gallery

Curious about what the Aard regulars look like? I am! If you consider yourself an Aardvarchaeology regular, then please gimme a pic of yourself and I'll put it into this gallery post. If you've got a pic on-line somewhere, just put a link to it in a comment. Otherwise, feel free to email me a pic.

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Here's Greenman Tim of the Walking the Berkshires blog, touching a canebreak canebrake rattlesnake with a less-than-ten-foot pole.


Karen a.k.a. the Ridger keeps the Greenbelt blog.


Jan Morén probably speaks Scanian, Sweden's equivalent of a presidential Texas drawl.


Dennis of Dust in a Sunbeam is a badass dude.


Tor is a professional logician and an amateur violinist.


Esben is holding an aurochs horn from a submerged Ertebølle settlement site (5th Millennium cal BC). He also holds a very coveted internet domain:


Stockholm medical researcher Martin C has been Simpsonised.


Lycra of Antiquarian's Attic has met with a similar fate.


Lars L of Arkland likes the Photoshop work of colleague R. Lang. And Photoshop likes him too.


Paddy K of the Swedish Extravaganza cooks and writes science fiction in his spare time.

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Deep-sea biologist Kevin Z of The Other 95% is being stalked by an isopod, those lovecraftian megabugs who are no doubt waiting on the ocean floor only until the stars become right again.


Kai of Pointless Anecdotes is a toy boy.


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