Centenarian Open Access Archaeology Journal

I'm proud to announce that Fornvännen, Journal of Swedish Antiquarian Research, is now up to speed on the Open Access side. Our excellent librarian and information jockey Gun Larsson has just put the third and fourth issues for last year on-line. Fornvännen appears on-line for free with a six-month delay (due to concerns that the on-line version might otherwise undermine the print version). In the two most recent issues on-line, you can read new research on:

  • An Early Mesolithic settlement site in wooded Värmland.
  • A carved stone in a Bohuslän crofter's cellar that may be a Neolithic stele.
  • Long-term traditions in prehistoric Scandinavian ship-building.
  • Stable isotope analyses of skeletons from one of Northern Sweden's first Christian cemeteries.
  • A previously unknown runic inscription about a Viking Period traveller to Eastern Europe.
  • Excavations at Swedish and English assembly sites.
  • 17th century stone memorials recalling the rune stones of the 11th century.
  • Kuhnian Huns.
  • The baptism of the first King of Sweden.
  • 4th century gold from Ãstergötland.

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