Did Someone Say Party?


Just a friendly reminder that Zooillogix, Gene Expression, Deep Sea News, Adventures in Ethics and Science, and Thoughts from Kansas are throwing the biggest, most fun, blowout bonanza ever put together tomorrow night!***

The party starts at 9pm sharp at Tonic, the bar owned by yours truly on Polk Street in San Francisco. Scandelous clothing is highly encouraged unless you're a dude or not good looking!

Can't wait to see you all there. We're going to laugh; we may cry a little; and without any doubt, somebody is going to get into a drunken brawl with a cop (Oh please, let it be Janet Stemwedel!).

***Disclaimer: Andrew and Ben Bleiman make no claims that this small gathering will be "big," a "blowout", a "bonanza" or "fun" in any way that could be deemed as so by any participants.

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It's really not fair that there is fun going on in the very same state that is an 8 hour drive away. California, why can't you be more like Rhode Island?

Scandelous clothing is highly encouraged unless you're a dude or not good looking!

i take issue with your heteronormative and lookist assertions!

I was going to ask what I should wear, because I don't want to be the only one dressed up. I think I can probably get the Yardbarker dudes to skirt up though.

"Scandelous (sic) clothing is highly encouraged..."

Well, we certainly must insist on lots of pictures then..!!

Have fun, party hearty, drive safely..!!


I thought I had left a comment on the earlier party announcement, but I don't see it so I guess I didn't.

I'll be there tonight.

What, oh what, is the source of this image? And what the hell is going on? Is it an overly participatory elephant colonscocpy? Please let me know!

J. Bryan, clearly you have never heard of the competitive sport of Elephant Spelunking. The ref 'hides' an orange ball, and the competitors have 30 seconds to find it.

If your town doesn't have a league, you should totally start one. You would totally be a trailblazer in more ways than one!


Awh man... one of the few parties I'd actually WANT to go to and you are WAY too far away. Have fun gang. I'd love to meet the Brothers Blem. ;-p

I certainly hope that the picture you posted here is in no way representative of the kind of activities planned for said event. ;)

By arachnophile (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

How was it?! I couldn't make it, for some lame reason or another. Plus, am shy. Show me fun time fotos!