Leopard Attacking Crocodile

In a sure sign that Kruger National Park in South Africa is angling to be the World Wrestling Federation of game reserves, yet another unlikely and brutal animal match-up has been caught on film. In this series of photos, a leopard ambushes a crocodile. A protracted struggle ensues but it's pretty clear who ultimately comes out on top. While crocodiles have been witnessed attacking leopards in the past, this is the first known encounter that began the other way around. Cut and pasted just for you from the pages of The Telegraph, check this out:

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This encounter is bound to remind readers of the ever popular Battle at Kruger. Thanks once again to Kevin Z of The Other 95% and Deep Sea News for bringing this to our attention.

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Is that cool or what?


That's wicked!


Leopard Wins. Fatality.

By Siddharth (not verified) on 21 Jul 2008 #permalink

And the moral of the story is always pack a leopard when visiting croc-infested waters, right?
Seriously, this is a very cool recording of animal behavior.

The chair! Give him the chair!

Oh, that's nothing! I've seen ladies do a lot worse for new shoes.

MBT shoes to wear only the rows of cold, rotation step foot in front of moving to do is build a launch interval, the hip flexor is stretched a little shop. Temper and stretch muscles to change arbitrarily effective joint stability

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