Dramatic TV Moment!

Thanks to LonelyFatGuy, our Belgian friend

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The Maman sculpture inspired some American Mountain Dew drinkers to share their motorized spider vehicle with us. Well our Belgian friend, LonelyFatGuy, has answered in typically understated Flemish fashion and politely pointed us towards Theo Jansen, a remarkable Dutch artist who creates…
Possibly in response to Kara's earlier post, sales of Belgian flags have skyrocketed. They are selling like they are going out of style...and they may well do so: A growing debate about the potential division of Belgium has led to a surge in sales of Belgian flags as opponents of separatism seek…
Light is an ephemeral but powerful artistic medium. This commercial for the Belgian energy company Electrabel captures the whimsical charm of fireflies on a warm summer night: You can view a stunning higher-res version of this video here, with slightly different music. There is also a making-of…
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