Some very bad math for the holiday season...

With respect to this and much apologies to all the "shoulders of giants."


(1) mystery tweet = M2c2(A/Ï)(mx+b)-XF(q/t)

And given that:

(1.a) A = ÏR2 (area of a circle)
(1.b) y = mx+b (linear equation)
(1.c) F=MA (from Newton's laws of motion)
(1.d) S=q/t (classical Entropy definition)


(2) mystery tweet = M2c2R2y-XMAS

And given that:

(2.a) E = Mc2 (Einstein's equivalence of mass and energy equations)


(3) mystery tweet = MER2y-XMAS

(4) mystery tweet = MERRy-XMAS

That's probably it from me until the new year. Have a happy and restful holidays!

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Love, love, love it! I also second the t-shirt.

David: you are a nerd (and for that the world is grateful).