What scientific concept is worthy of its own song?

As the semester winds down, I'm getting that same urge to muck about with my guitars again and maybe record a song or two (it might sound impressive, but really, it's as amateur as it gets).

Last time I did this, I ended up writing a song on science jargon (Jargon Fueled Ways - mp3), which kind of tried to use as many words as possible that were suggested by readers in the comment section. These included the words:

Homo erectus

Anyway, I'm in the song writing mood again, and, like last time, I'm going to follow suggestions on what scientific concept to focus on. Should it be a song on the urinary tract, fly genetics, chromatography, ideal gas law - the mind boggles...

Would love to hear as many suggestions as you can muster.

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Entropy deserves its own tune. I can just imagine the dissonant guitars in my head.

What about something like speciation? That would tie into some pretty general concepts around evolutions. Maybe the song can work in different genres?

I second entropy. Actually, thermodynamics generally deserves a song. Maybe that could be something Wilco can work on.

By gregingeorgia (not verified) on 03 Apr 2009 #permalink

I've been saying for a while that someone should do a new batch of Schoolhouse Rock tunes on how Evolution works as a new salvo in the culture war.

If you want, you might even be able to combine a song on both entropy and evolution.

It's spring, and a young scientist's thoughts turn to photosynthesis.

Thermodynamics: maybe three verses - first three laws. That would be very cool.

O.K. I'm liking the thermodynamics vibe. Will report back in about a week.