Drinks! Vancouver! ScienceBlogs!

Just a reminder that Jennifer and I will be hosting drinks at Koerner's pub this evening. We'll be there from about 6pm on. Come on out on Seed's dime - should be fun.

And just in case, you don't know what we look like, Jennifer has her picture on her blog, and I look like this in the hands of a professional photographer (the columns are more apt to be upright in the hands of unprofessional photographers).

To give us a bit of a sense of the "how manys" it would be great if you can leave a comment below, or better yet, place a notch in our FaceBook event page.

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I wish I could, but tonight's the night I gotta go to Metrotown. Boo!

Sorry, I'd like to meet you guys, but I'm working, and it's too far for me to make it. Have a good time for me!

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 18 Sep 2008 #permalink