The World's Fair: Our Social/Cultural Pervasiveness Index: Part 2 - The Google Litmus Test

Continuing on with our half year evaluation of the World's Fair, we are pleased to have a few phrases of note that are represented by Google as a number one hit.

These include from myself, the following:

"Tatooine is already too fucking hot"

"Scooby Doo is truly magical"

"eliticism in mountain culture"

"fricking Earths!"

"ooh I like puzzles"

And from Ben:

"faint of link"

"those badass Scots"

"growing love of unicorns"

"Yee-haw idiots"

"Fffft. Canadians"

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This needs to be followed-up with:

"Did you mean to search for: 'freaking Earth's!'?"