Powerpoint: Love it or hate it, it's not going to go away

So I'm a teacher type right? And what do I think of powerpoint? Well, it's certainly convenient, although to be honest, I'm partial to good old real time pen and projector or chalk and blackboard lectures (a good way to pace yourself). Anyway, I've had ongoing requests to put up some of the powerpoint slides I've presented previously, so I figured maybe this blog is a good place to bank some of my more interesting slides.

In the meantime, this has to be one of the funniest uses of powerpoint I seen in a while. Good song too (from Wholphin, song by Cantinero, video/powerpoint by Mad Injection)

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i-7c732514818c1a5cafc58b8900992b60-barbiesmall.jpg Epithelial Barbie, DN [ slide | description ]

i-194f416223a280b4307dbf374c755a87-susumusmall.jpg Sumumu Ohno, DN [ slide | description ]

i-a09244d2528852d28eae61772a44c68c-grimacesmall.jpg What the Hell is Grimace, DN [silde | description ]

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