Overheard on the internets

It's funny because it's true.

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The Weasel King posted a link to the classic Five Geek Social Fallacies essay, which you have no doubt already read. If you haven't, and you're reading blogs, you really should, because you're bound to recognize some of what it says. Of course, that article dates from 2003, so it wouldn't be worth…
It's funny, 'cause it's true. Well, metaphorically speaking...
tags: politics, pirates of the health care-ibean, health care crisis, streaming video You know, this video, depicting the health care crisis as resulting from a gang of pirates would be funny, except that it's true. Music by the Austin Lounge Lizards [3:24] Profits over People.
Zeno makes an obvious point: creationists have no sense of humor. He singles out this tedious comic strip running on the Answers in Genesis pages, called CreationWise, and of course when anyone thinks of an unfunny religious apologist with a strip, they think of Johnny Hart. But even worse than any…

But that's how i get my sooper powerz!

I noticed that neither of our superhero d00ds have much in the way of junk in those spandex supersuits. Is that deficiency related to roids????

gg: There's video around of him getting drunk with Isis. She wears a mask; he doesn't.

Pascale: That seems a general problem of many male superheroes. Probably why so many of them are single.

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 21 Jan 2010 #permalink

I heard around the nets that there are people who don't get why this is funny.

I pity them.

By MonkeyPox (not verified) on 22 Jan 2010 #permalink

I think they're supplemental ego-containers. I love the "I am published in the biggest most famous mag in the entire universe!" (but somehow not on PubMed)

By MonkeyPox (not verified) on 22 Jan 2010 #permalink

Rule Two: If you're a patient, don't ever question the good doctor's approach to the stopwatch-timed virtual office visit (VOV). A new patient raised a question on his forum and all hell broke loose: "how dare you question the doctor in the open?", "you don't know how things work around here," "i've never had problems with the doctor in x years," and, you'll love this: "we should delete this thread so that no one else knows that the doctor has a single unsatisfied patient."

It's one thing to have issues with your physician but to have a community of fellow patients ostracize you for criticising the doctor and expecting services for fees paid is just, well, really fucked up.

Indeed, it is the quality of care that you can get only few places in the world.

By neurospasm (not verified) on 23 Jan 2010 #permalink

anyone who is inclined to believe neurospasm should go read the thread themselves and see if you think the above is an accurate characterization of it.

a guy felt rushed off the phone presumably because he had random questions aside from what his test results were and what he should change in his protocol, everyone advised him on how they deal with that situation.

Such as: buying two blocks of time ($60 each) so that they can ask random followup questions, and to write down your questions and thoughts in advance so you can get them out in an organized way.

some people did think it was a dick move to complain about his rushed visit anonymously on the messageboard rather than to his staff.

By how about a li… (not verified) on 23 Jan 2010 #permalink

well, in a real doc's office, you don't have to pay for every fucking encounter. and the doc doesn't charge you if you want to talk a little longer. and the doc doesn't whine like a fucking toddler when a patient bitches about them.

By MonkeyPox (not verified) on 23 Jan 2010 #permalink

I'm pretty sure my doctors are real, and they'd never whine like a fucking toddler, but they do have to charge based on the contact time with the patient.

Also, I would imagine that of all superheros, Batman would be among the least likely to be poorly endowed. I think getting bitten by radioactive spiders and so on could be metaphors for roids. But Batman's just a dude pissed about crime. Plus, Robin would have left him years ago if he weren't well endowed.

Most doctors who participate in Medicare and the large commercial plans cannot charge beyond what is negotiated for an office visit. Phone calls, letters, etc are usually considered to be part of the "office visit", strangely enough.

Doctors who opt out and charge cash can do things however they wish (which is not particularly problematic from an ethical standpoint, but excessive charges significantly above what is usually done, for a widely available service is kinda crappy).

monkeypox have you ever actually seen a doctor?

very often you are told to make multiple appointment, one for each condition you'd like to discuss.

also, when you look at the breakdown of your bill, you will be charged for each procedure/diagnostic performed.

you spend an eternity just sitting there waiting, the doctor comes in and out of the room at random and you spend more time with the nurses.

$60 for diagnostics and recommendations is really not outrageous. neither is another $60 for q&a.

my last bill from my GP yearly checkup was $150.

By how about a li… (not verified) on 23 Jan 2010 #permalink

Getting back to Crisler, his Life Extension baloney, and prescribing hGH to James Ray - here's an article on a great new paper in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism:


Sorry that it's not Playboy or a Word document that the good doctor has sent around to the thousands of physicians he has "trained" but this is how hypothesis-driven medicine is investigated.

By neurospasm (not verified) on 27 Jan 2010 #permalink