Another way to find swine flu shots

Hat tip to the incomparable, contentious, pain-in-the-ass-who-we-are-all-better-for-having-around scienceblogs regular becca for pointing out this site (from google of course) that helps locate flu shots in your area (in my area, everyone is "temporarily out of stock"). While you're visiting, check out google's flu trends as well.


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For my town, at least, the map is incomplete - there was a local H1N1 vaccine clinic for kids under age 9 on Saturday, and there's supposed to be one in the schools tomorrow. (At least according to my mother, who listens to local public radio and then calls me to tell me what's going on.)

I think the county health department is distributing the vaccine locally. Don't know about the rest of the world.

Aw, drat. Only works on US locales. I'm in ontario where it's rolling out fairly smoothly ( after some first day snafus) but my mom in Alberta can't find it at all.

Much like the US, distribution of the vaccine was done by provincial governments, and then down to county clinics within the provinces.

It has been mentioned, perhaps in passing, that Toronto had a slightly better handle on things having dealt with SARS as they had. Clinics here are trying to ensure no dose goes to waste, including couriering supplies from low demand to high demand clinics as demands change day to day.

So my academic med center just started giving them this week, limited to 1) pregnant women; 2) children 6 - 18 years of age; 3) health care providers who come within 6 feet of patients.

Last week my daughter at college had it. Thanks heavens for Tamiflu.

My hospital has been immunizing staff and pregnant patients (sent in by their OBs) for a while now. Yesterday we had a clinic for family members of staff (which, it turns out, means children), and today we have an open clinic for the community. Not much publicity--I think the word was sent to staff doctors who pass it along to their patients--and not on the Google map, either.

The Google map seems to be for commercial purveyors of vaccine, at least in my neighborhood.

Try Walgreens in your area. They have limited supplies in the Chicagoland area. And they'll run it through your insurance system.

By science-based … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2009 #permalink

PALMD or any other SE Michigander. Have you heard how the Wayne County H1N1 shot clinics are going? Long lines or no? I don't think I could wait in line 2-4 hours with a 4 and 6 year old. Just trying to judge if I should give Wayne County a try or wait for our Pediatrician to get it in stock.

Also, sorry to ask for medical advice, but I noticed the Wayne Country form asked about Latex Allergies. That is just for the gloves of the Health Care Provider, right? That is not related to the actual vaccine or hypodermic needle thingy? Sorry for sounding paranoid.

My son has had some annoying reactions to latex gloves so we avoid latex just to be safe.

By micheleinmichigan (not verified) on 18 Nov 2009 #permalink

red rabbit - Thanks so much for the reference. very helpful.

By micheleinmichigan (not verified) on 18 Nov 2009 #permalink