SITN Spring Lecture Series

If you don't live in/around Boston, feel free to move along. Otherwise:

Dear SITN followers,

For a number of years, Science in the News (SITN) has organized a free public lecture series in the Brigham Circle/Longwood Medical area. This spring, due to high demand, we are delighted to announce that we will be extending our lecture series into Cambridge! For our extended series we will be having the following exciting lectures:

May 4
Black Holes and Cosmic Roles: Understanding the Center of the Galaxy
May 18
The Mystery of Sleep: How Neuroscientists are Solving One of the Brains Most Interesting Puzzles
June 1
Origins and Applications of Pluripotent Stem Cells
June 15
The War on Cancer: Where we Are in the Battle, and Why we Haven't Won.

Each lecture will run from 7-9 pm in Pfizer Auditorium at Harvard University. To get there, walk towards the Harvard Science Center onto Oxford Street. Pfizer Auditorium will be on your right on Oxford street inside the building called the Mallinckrodt Building (12 Oxford St., Cambridge). Directions can also be found at our website.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

As with the fall lecture series, we'll be filming and posting the lectures on Vimeo.


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Ooo! I may have to stop by for the June 1st and 15th ones! I'll be around... somewhere :)