The candidates on banking regulation and race 1908!!!!

I debated the fit for this post on this blog vs. my own, and decided that it belongs here for about five or six reason that you can figure out for yourself.

Science News has put up a site that shows numerous images from the presidential election of 100 years ago, including actual sound of the candidates stating their position on key issues! The candidates were recorded on the brand new "Edison Phonograph" (which I think did not play Blue Ray but was pretty good anyway).

We hear William Jennings Bryan discussing banking regulation, and we heqar William Howard Taft on "Rights and Progress of the Negro."

That was back in the days when the Republicans were the good guys. A long, long, long, long, long time ago. Long time.

Taft won across the populous industrial north and Bryant in the south, in a more or less perfect reflection of the division of the states during the Civil War. (Wikpedia has a nice map)

Taft won by a comfortable margin.

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