SciArt Wednesday: Triune, Part I

My fiance's art show was a huge hit. Her and the other artists had a great turnout despite the chilly Friday night, well over 100 visitors. I basically didn't see her for the two weeks prior as she prepared for the show, painting, scraping and filling walls in the gallery, building a base for and finishing construction of her installation piece, and figuring out placement. She was literally still painting - on walls and on canvas - the day of the show.

(Before I show any pics, I want to make sure that everyone knows that my camera sucks, and the blurriness is my fault, not hers. I wish they could be a bit more clear.)

One of the other artists had a video piece to display, and turned a small, adjoining room into a blackened viewing area for the short film, which featured my old design manager from the newspaper. The professors raved, and are talking about making it a permanent addition to the gallery.

But her installation, entitled "Catfish/Fishing Cat", is by far the most impressive piece visually. She used flat pieces of board to accentuate the two dimensional aspects of her painting style into a deconstructed, quasi-cubist piece in three dimensions.

And the real thing, for reference's sake.


I hope I can get more up here this week, including a couple of new paintings that incorporate bat and rabbit phylogeny; she's been toying with evolution as a concept lately.

I've been reading this paper from PLoS One, and I hope I can write something up about it soon.


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