Oh So Tangled...

Tangled Bank #77 is up at Aetiology.


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Tangled Bank #77 is up on Aetiology
It's time for Tangled Bank #77 at Aetiology, and it's another mega-collection of links to science articles.
Carnival of Socialism #7 Carnival of Education #77 Friday Ark #97 Don't forget—there's another Tangled Bank coming up on Wednesday, 2 August, at Science and Reason, so mail those links to Charles Daney, host@tangledbank.net, or me.
The more you look for news, the more you find, I guess. It's another morning with a lot of interesting stuff happening. In the quick roundup/commentary today, we've got John McCain's brains continuing to liquify and escape, a really embarrassing White House personnel problem (a new one), an…