Why is Science Cool? Kavli Science Video Contest

Entries have started rolling in for the Kavli Science Video Contest at the USA Science and Engineering Festival.

So we want you to tell us Why is Science Cool? We are seeking videos that are creative, surprising, and "contagious" in terms of spreading your enthusiasm about science to others. Videos might explore a scientific concept, show us the wonders of nature, give us a glimpse into the future, show us what scientific discovery has done for us in the past or will do for us in the future, introduce us to a great scientist or engineer, tell us why you think science is so cool or simply show us why we should care about science and/or engineering.The contest is open to K-12 students, ages 5-18

I like both of these videos because each of them encompasses different aspects of this contest. The first one answers why science is cool and why being a scientist is cool (granted I might be a little biased at the moment since I think being a scientist IS pretty cool). The second one tackles an important question in the scientific disciplines of "What is Critical Thinking"? Check out the videos below and start working on your video if you haven't started yet!

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