The most accurate infographic ever & the brain region responsible for sarcasm

i-75fa6f7cebb4145668724f37f5a52b36-steve_icon_medium.jpg This is actually pretty much the most useful and accurate infographic I've ever seen in my entire life. Thank goodness this appears on an article highlighting the brain region responsible for decoding sarcasm.


Now that you've seen this amazing infographic you know exactly how sarcasm happens in the brain and what area is responsible.... AND!!! that area is lighting up right now as you read this very deep and meaningful post. As a matter of fact after reading this post you might have an aneurysm originating in your right ventromedial prefrontal gyrus. I apologize for the brain deadness I might have caused from reading this post. However, it's not as bad as it could be... just read the bbc news article that the infographic came from ;)

I haven't had a chance to read the real journal article yet... maybe I'll do that and get back to you guys.

HT: Eamon

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umm... i'd guess all of them are missing.

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