Weird International Family Chat

Yesterday, I was diligently working on my computer when my brother suddenly appeared on MSN's instant messenger. His engineering firm had recently sent him to Doha, Qatar, to work on a new factory being built near the harbor and I was pleasantly surprised that I could chat with him. Next I was shunted to a "conference chat" where he was conversing with his wife, a first grade teacher in Montreal. Next we were all notified that our cousin Tim, who is currently in Kiev, had signed in to MSN. If that wasn't enough, Tim's little sister Laura, who is in DC working with a law firm that advocates for women's rights in Dafur, was soon part of the massive worldwide virtual Palazzo reunion.

It was great to catch up with everyone, I even had time to snap this screen shot:


I am amazed at how events like this reunion can now take place with essentially no planning. I wonder what new technologies will be available in the not too distant future.

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How international are we in this family!
It's superlative! I wish I had been there to chat it up with all of you. Next time, maybe.
Enjoy your day all of you and keep well.

Ps. I went to see Molora a powerful play by Faber, a South African director now married to a HAtien living in Montreal. With the basis of the Greek play Orestes by Aeschyles and the basis of the of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission set up in South Africa after aparthied, she sets up to offer a new approach to the everlasting problems of aggression, revenge and distruction in the history of mankind and ever so present today. It was absolutly powerful! If ever it comes to Boston or Toronto, don't miss it.