New Blog on the Block: What's New in Life Science Research

Scienceblogs launched a new blog featuring a few of the Scienceblog regulars and a few new bloggers including Hsien-Hsien Lei, whom you might recognize as the master mind behind Eye on DNA.

The focus of this group effort is to discuss recent developements in 4 research areas: stem cells, cloning, biodefense, and genetically modified organisms.


More like this is... a limited-run group blog called What's New in Life Science Research, which will cover four separate topics in biotechnology: stem cells, cloning, biodefense, and genetically modified organisms. The blog is sponsored by Invitrogen, but like the Shell-sponsored Next…
I realize that I forgot to mention here that I've been writing posts on the Invitrogen-sponsored group blog What's New in Life Science Research. The blog is hosting discussions about stem cells, cloning, biodefense, and genetically modified organisms. (The cloning discussion just started…
Over the next four weeks, ScienceBlogs will explore some of the most controversial and increasingly relevant issues in biotechnology on a new blog, What's New in Life Science Research. The blog is sponsored by Invitrogen and will feature writings on stem cell research, cloning, biodefense and…
Yesterday, I blogged about the paper that Shelley Batts, Tara Smith, and I just published in PLoS Biology on integrating blogging into academia. As promised, we have a very long list of people we would like to acknowledge for their contributions to this work. As I noted yesterday, this paper was…