My Big Fat Italian Christmas

Yesterday we arrived back in Boston. The 4 previous day my wife and I were celebrating Christmas up in Montreal with my giant "Italo-Canadese" family. Here are some pics of each night's festivities:

Night 1: My Parents host my father's side of the family. Lots of people, lots of food.

Here's a pic of most people in attendance taken by my wife. The kids' table is not visible. I'm on the left playing the part of waiter.


Night 2: My brother and his girlfriend host a dinner. Not as many people as the night before, but just as much food including our first turkey for this holiday season.


Night 3: Christmas eve. Hosted by my aunt. In attendance was most of my mother's side of the family. Here we had the traditional Italian Christmas-eve dinner. No meat. Instead we had cod (bacala), shrimps, calamari, tuna sushi (OK it wasn't that traditional), scampi and lots of wine. For desert we had the traditional Italian Christmas cookies, home-made eggnog (my grandmother's recipe) and the not so traditional deep-fried ricotta cheese cake. Here is a picture of some of us drinking the night away. Unfortunately I have no picture of the group - but at some point we were as many as 25 in the same house.


Day 4: Christmas day lunch. After heading to bed at 3AM we slept in a bit, woke up stuffed and baked another turkey and received more people at my parent's house. Here is a couple of photos from the lunch:



Over all a great holiday. Now I'll have to fast for the next month.

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